7 Questions about West Omaha

7 Questions about West Omaha

December 15, 2017By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

As 2017 comes to a close we need to pause and celebrate all of God’s grace. Citylight, God continues to seek and save the lost as we’ve seen more than one hundred people get baptized just this year! Additionally, we got the joy of helping co-plant a new church, Providence, which is now gathering in … Read More

Ennis’s Story

Ennis’s Story

November 23, 2017By Citylight OmahaStories

There wasn’t much grace in Robbie’s life. Instead he was shown dysfunction, addiction, insecurity, fights, struggle, brokenness, emptiness, and prison. This was his normal. “My life was chaos,” said Robbie. Robbie grew up in a dysfunctional house. His Father was an alcoholic and his Mom a user. His parents divorced when he was 14. At … Read More



November 18, 2017By Citylight OmahaGlobal

What’s Your Perspective? God is all about His Glory! He created us for His glory, blesses us for His glory, and saves us for His glory. We respond by giving glory to God through our lives, praising Him, worshipping Him, and sharing the good news of the Gospel with those He brings into our lives. … Read More

West Omaha Staff

West Omaha Staff

November 9, 2017By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

Hey Citylight Church! Thank you for praying, thank you for giving, thank you for committing your time and energy to make disciples of Jesus Christ. This past Sunday night was such a big WIN for our church, so thank you for being awesome! As I continue to reflect on the story God is writing, the … Read More

West Omaha Gatherings

West Omaha Gatherings

October 20, 2017By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

The West Omaha building project is on pace! Contractors are working diligently and we couldn’t be more excited to move forward as a church to continue to live on mission and reach new areas of our city. This is an exciting season for our church, one that is marked with God’s leading, vision, and work. … Read More

Mission Jamaica 2017

Mission Jamaica 2017

September 1, 2017By Citylight OmahaGlobal

Breathtaking. The views from atop Blue Mountain are glorious as the sun sheds light over the beautiful sea, the city of Kingston, and the mountain sides. With cool morning breezes blowing, the smell of coffee and breakfast wafting, God’s words springing from the pages of His book, and the sounds of children waking and playing … Read More

Trip to Lebanon

Trip to Lebanon

August 24, 2017By Citylight OmahaGlobal

Hello Citylight! I wanted to tell you all about an opportunity I had recently to go to the middle east and observe the Syrian Refugee Crisis first hand. In July, four other Pastors from Citylight Churches and I went to Lebanon, which is a small country about the size of Connecticut which is bordered by … Read More

Meet Mike Johnson

Meet Mike Johnson

August 18, 2017By Citylight OmahaUpdates

Citylight, we want students to know Jesus, have faith in Him, and learn what it means to walk with Him for a lifetime, growing into the next leaders and disciples. We realize our student ministries are significant ministries that will help equip the next generation for Jesus. With that said, it is with joy that … Read More