Citylight Omaha will have NO physical gatherings on Sunday March 15 and Sunday, March 22, at the West nor Midtown location.
We ARE going to broadcast our gathering at 10 AM on Sunday at
Upcoming Opportunities
Baptism Class
11.3 | 10:30 AM | Midtown Classroom A2
Citylight will be gathering for baptisms on November 17. If you're interested in getting baptized, attend a baptism class. This class is offered two weeks in a row, but you only need to attend once. Register at
Men's Gathering: Sex, Patterns and Pitfalls
11.9 | 8:30 AM - 1 PM | West
Join us for the Citylight Men’s Gathering! This will be a place where you can meet, connect, and worship with other men at Citylight. Our topic this time is sex. We will hear about what the Bible has to teach about it and draw some practical implications for how we manage our own bodies as sexual beings. Our breakouts will be topic specific. RSVP for the event, and choose the topic you're most likely to sit in on. Lunch is included! We look forward to seeing you there! Learn more and register at
GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays
11.16 | 9 - 11:30 AM | Midtown East Room
The holiday season is upon us. However, for many, a season that is normally marked by celebration and joy can easily become overwhelmed with sorrow and dread due to the death (recent or past) of a loved one. So the goal often becomes a sense of, "I just need to survive the holidays, and get through this." We don't want you to do that alone or without help. When you are grieving a loved one's death, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants prepare for the holidays and even discover hope for the future. The cost is $5. Register at
Winter Coat Drive
Collecting through Thanksgiving | Midtown & West
We are collecting new or gently used coats in clean and wearable condition for New Community, Overcomers, and Walnut Hill School to be distributed to those in need. Neutral colors preferred. All sizes needed for men, women, boys, and girls. Clean out your closets or purchase new coats and bring your donations Sunday mornings or to the offices during the week and place them in the labeled bins.
Advent Prayer & Worship Night
12.1 | 4:30 - 5:30 PM | West
The next Prayer and Worship Night is going to be an Advent themed night and include some family focused prayer prompts and stations to move through to prepare our hearts for Advent. So more families are able to attend, we are moving this gathering to Sunday, December 1 from 4:30 - 5:30 PM. We hope to see you there as we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season!
Equipping Conversation: Faith and Fiction
12.6 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | Midtown
For the Christian, is there any point in reading fiction? Our conversation will try to understand the value of the arts for Christian Formation, and especially what benefit reading fiction can have for a Christian. Theology and the Arts are an area of passion for Dr. Matthew LaPine. He will talk about how fiction has shaped him, and what he has learned in understanding how and why. Our even begins with two theological observations, that God is a creative God and that he has given us his words using many stories. Learn more and register at
Christmas Eve Celebrations
12.24 | West: 1, 3, & 5 PM | Midtown: 3 & 5 PM
Join in celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, at special candlelit gatherings at the Midtown and West locations. All gatherings will be the same. Bring your family and friends and learn about God’s incredible act of love with a message of hope this Christmas season.
Sun, 1.12 – 4.6 | 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Midtown Conference Room
Experiencing the death of a loved one, friend, or family member is a significant event, and often life-changing loss for anyone to endure. GriefShare lays out a path for you to walk toward healing alongside others who are also grieving a loss. This 13 week support group will become a lifeline to you. If you have recently experienced the loss of someone, or perhaps have unresolved grief in your past from a death you feel you might not have dealt with yet, we hope you will join us. Cost $20. Register online at
Christian Belief Class
Sun, 1.19 - 3.30 | 10:30 AM - 12 PM | Midtown Class A1
Join us for this 11-week class as we grow to know God, to learn how to profess our beliefs, and to understand the theology of what it means to be a Christian. We will spend time teaching the doctrines of the Christian faith as we see that doctrine is foundational for all disciples of Jesus. Learn more and register online at
Men's Bible Study: Romans Part 2
Mon, 1.20 - 3.31 | 6:30 - 8 PM | Midtown East Room
Thur, 1.23 - 4.3 | 6 - 7:30 AM | West Sanctuary
This 11-week study will be an essential part of understanding the Bible as a whole. We'll also make and deepen relationships with the men of our community. All men are invited. Sign up today at
Women's Bible Study: Romans Part 2
Tue, 1.21 - 4.1 | 7 - 8:30 PM | Midtown Sanctuary
Wed, 1.22 - 4.2 | 9:30 - 11 AM | West Sanctuary
This 11-week curriculum continues to walk through the book of Romans and explores God’s judgment of sin, His mercy for sinners, and His abounding grace in the lives of the saved. All women are invited. Sign up today at
Salt Company Fall Kick-Off
Moved to Citylight Midtown
8.29 | 6:30 PM | 4383 Nicholas Street
College students, come and hang out with us on August 29 at Citylight Church for our Salt Company Fall Kick-Off! There will be free Chick-fil-A, games, worship, and a message from the Bible! Bring some friends and help us kick-off the Fall semester! Learn more about Salt Co at
Prayer & Worship Night
11.19 | 6:30 PM | West
We gather every month on the third Tuesday to unite our hearts in prayer, connect with Jesus, and strengthen our faith. We’ll worship and pray together for what God is doing next in Citylight.