Sending Students to the Nations | A Global Story

Sending Students to the Nations | A Global Story

July 1, 2024By Citylight OmahaGlobal, Stories

This week, Citylight High School students and ministry leaders are going back to Urban Impact Ministries in New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA). They will be helping run one of two free day camps in the city for youth in impoverished neighborhoods. These camps involve stations for Bible, sports, crafts, and academic enrichment and have made an … Read More

Stones of Help | A Mentoring Story

Stones of Help | A Mentoring Story

June 20, 2024By Citylight OmahaStories

Throughout Josie’s life, God has placed ebenezers, stones of help, as a reminder of His presence. When Josie was five, at a Good News camp, it was a faithful volunteer. She recognized Josie’s acute focus on the Jesus story and after pulling her aside, prayed with Josie for Jesus to come into her heart. As … Read More

Words of Light | A Recovery Story

Words of Light | A Recovery Story

June 6, 2024By Citylight OmahaCare, Stories

Writing poetry was a way for Carolyn to communicate her emotions as a young girl. Whether Carolyn shared them with someone or not, it was a method to put words on a page instead of keeping them inside her mind and heart. When Carolyn was sixteen, she lost her mom. Then, the poems evolved as … Read More