Christmas Gift Drive Update

Christmas Gift Drive Update

January 6, 2017By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

Citylight family, before 2017 storms in with a new season of routine, goals and projects, I just want to take a minute to reflect on the generous outpouring of love that you demonstrated during the Christmas Season. Thank you for donating hundreds of gifts to families this year. Our partners wanted to let us know … Read More

Midtown Arts Worship Night

Midtown Arts Worship Night

December 8, 2016By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

Friends, we are excited to introduce Citylight family worship nights! I’m beyond thrilled at the idea of families gathering together to worship God through music and other art mediums. For over a year now, I’ve been pressed with the idea and desire of wanting to have a time of worship in song with the Church … Read More

An International Thanksgiving

An International Thanksgiving

November 23, 2016By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

Guest post by Matt Keller, from the County Line City Group Our new County Line City Group is only a month old but this past weekend we had a great opportunity to reach out to international students. Global Friends, a non-profit that serves international college students in the Omaha area, organized an event that allowed … Read More

Expanding Our Gatherings

Expanding Our Gatherings

November 11, 2016By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

News Worth Celebrating.  Citylight we have some great news! We are staying in Midtown! We want to see every neighborhood transformed by the Gospel and yet God has used being present in the Walnut Hill neighborhood to knit our hearts to the people who live here! A few months ago, staying in Midtown didn’t seem … Read More

2016 Trunk or Treat

2016 Trunk or Treat

November 4, 2016By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

Thank you to the City Groups, families, and members of our Neighborhood Engagement Team for participating in our 2nd annual Walnut Hill neighborhood Trunk or Treat. This is a neighborhood tradition that was started years ago by another local church in Walnut Hill…

Chatauna & Chariots 4 Hope

Chatauna & Chariots 4 Hope

October 20, 2016By Citylight OmahaStories

Citylight Midtown—we get to be a part of some incredible stories of redemption in our city. God is on the move and I want to give you a quick glimpse into one life that has been touched by God’s grace. Chatauna is a single mom who has been part of our Citylight family since Easter … Read More

Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

September 11, 2016By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

This Sunday is the 15th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11, an event that has changed and shaped the culture in our country and our world in ways we could never have imagined. I still remember where I was on that day, a sophomore in college, I remember seeing the first tower smoking on the … Read More

Meet the Wakefields

Meet the Wakefields

August 1, 2016By Citylight OmahaUncategorized

Citylight, it’s our desire to make it really hard for college students to avoid Jesus! We believe what happens on the college campus today will impact our country and culture in the coming years. Because we see the college campus as strategic and because our college ministry continues to grow, we have been asking Jesus … Read More