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Learn about what Citylight is doing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are opportunities to love and serve our neighbors, share prayer requests, and connect in community.

Learn more about COVID-19 Response

We will be broadcasting all Citylight gatherings on Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, and at We encourage everyone who calls Citylight home to worship along with the rest of our church family!

Watch Live Stream


Citylight gathers together on Sundays to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, delight in His Word, worship Him together, and remember the Lord’s Supper and baptism. There are several ways you can gather:

Join us at one of our gathering locations
Visit In-Person

Watch a live stream of a gathering online

Invite others to gather in your home


Citylight gathers together on Sundays at 8:30 & 10:30 AM to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, delight in His Word, worship Him together, and remember the Lord’s Supper and baptism. If you aren't able to gather in-person you can join the livestream at, or on our Youtube channel.

Visit on SundaysJoin a Serving Team


Jesus has called us to make disciples and we believe the best way to make disciples is to scatter throughout the week in City Groups to experience a spiritual family that shares life together and serves a common purpose.
Join or Lead a City Group


Discipleship Equipping exists to cultivate deep discipleship through the knowledge of God and self, resulting in love and good works. We do this through classes, studies, and events, and by promoting and training discipleship relationships among our people.

Learn More


See all upcoming opportunities on the Upcoming page

Adoption Grants

Apply now!
Because of your generosity, we are so excited to begin providing Adoption Grants to our Members in 2025! If you plan on adopting in 2025, please follow this link and we will be reaching out to you to hear your story! Our heart is not just to provide a grant, but also listen and care for you along the way! Apply for an Adoption Grant.

The Art of Neighboring City Group Equipping with Dave Runyon

2.15 | 8:30 AM - 12 PM | West
City Groups exist as spiritual families being transformed by the gospel in neighborhoods and networks throughout our city to live out the mission of Jesus. Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but in our increasingly isolated communities, how do we practically live out this calling? Bring your City Group to learn from Dave Runyon, author of the Art of Neighboring, and reignite a vision for what God can do through prayer and simple obedience in walking in his way. You don't want to miss this one! Register at

Premarital Class

Sun, 2.23 - 4.13 | 8:30 - 10 AM | West
Sun, 2.23 - 4.13 | 10:30 AM - 12 PM | Midtown

This class is designed to help engaged couples prepare for marriage well by pointing them to a Christ-centered understanding for marriage and is mandatory if you are getting married at Citylight or by a Citylight staff member. Free to attend but you must register and plan to attend the entire 8 weeks if possible. Register at