Online Gatherings

Sundays | 9 & 11 AM

Gathering as a church in 2020 has been a challenge to say the least, but Jesus has been faithful! He has provided for our church and many in our church family have enjoyed gathering in-person again since June while others have been able to safely worship from home online. As we journey back toward full gatherings with donuts, coffee, communion, hugs, and handshakes (doesn’t that sound amazing?!) we want to be faithful to serve those of you who are worshiping from home well. Starting September 13, we’ll be streaming our gatherings from a new online platform, with a new format to better engage families at home, and with some new ideas to make the most of “Church at Home.”

Online Gatherings

We will be live-streaming our baptism celebration from the Citylight Omaha Midtown location on August 9 at 10:30 AM. This gathering space will be open to Citylight staff, those being baptized, and family members who would like to be in the room. We ask that everyone else please watch from home. Learn more at

Next Sunday, worship gatherings will be in-person and streamed at 9 & 11 AM.
Watch the live stream below or watch past streams.

We will be broadcasting gatherings here, on Facebook, and YouTube. Worship gatherings will be streamed Sundays at 9 & 11 AM.
Watch the live stream below or watch past streams.

We will be gathering in-person on Sundays at both the Midtown and West locations. We will also still broadcast gatherings here, on Facebook, and YouTube. We encourage everyone who calls Citylight home to worship in-person or from home! Worship gatherings will be streamed Sundays at 9 & 11 AM. Prayer & Worship gatherings will now be in-person and streamed every third Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Watch the live stream below or watch past streams.

Join a City Group

Citylight Church is committed to both gathering and scattering as the church. Jesus has called us to make disciples and we believe the best way to do this is to scatter throughout the week in City Groups. We want everyone to be a part of a City Group to experience a spiritual family that shares life together and serves a common purpose.
City Groups Page

Kids Resources

Even when we can't meet face to face, Citylight Kids exists to help families Meet Jesus, Imitate Jesus, and Share Jesus through the Gospel, Relationship, and Service. Connect and interact as you disciple your kids with resources from the Citylight Kids Facebook Group.
Citylight Kids Facebook Group

Give Online

Our gatherings currently look a little different but our mission remains the same. We anticipate a significant financial impact without physical Sunday gatherings and are trusting God to provide through his people in online giving.
Giving Page

Sermon Archive

If you aren't able to catch the live stream you can always watch past sermons on the Sermons page.
Sermons Page

Past Streams

Blessings Come from Fearing and Obeying God
Alejandro Duran
9.6 | 11 AM | Midtown

Seeds Sown Through Tears and Reaped with Joy
Gavin Johnson
8.23 | 11 AM | Midtown

Prayer & Worship Night
8.19 | 6:30 PM | Midtown

Summer Baptism Celebration!
Chris Hruska
8.9 | 10:30 AM | Midtown

If Not for the Lord
Gavin Johnson
8.2 | 11 AM | Midtown

Who Are You Looking To?
Sam Reece
7.26 | 9 AM | West

Glad in God's Presence
Jacob Richardson
7.19 | 11 AM | Midtown

The Person, Process, and Perpetuity of Protection
Joe Julian
7.12 | 11 AM | Midtown

God on Trial
Gavin Johnson
7.5 | 11 AM | Midtown

The King Who Suffered Alone
Tyler Brown
6.28 | 11 AM | Midtown

You're Invited to the Table of Grace
Chris Hruska
6.21 | 11 AM | Midtown

Prayer & Worship Night
6.17 | 6:30 PM | Midtown

Selfie Sacrifice
Gavin Johnson
6.14 | 9 AM | Midtown

Sincere Worship?
Joe Julian
6.7 | 9 AM | Midtown

Race Round Table
Citylight Family Pastors
5.31 | 7 PM | West

The Greatest Commandment : Simple, But Not Easy
Chris Hruska
5.31 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
5.27 | 6:30 PM | West

Threatening : Useful : Beautiful
Gavin Johnson
5.24 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
5.20 | 6:30 PM | West

The Best Part is Still Before Us!
Chris Hruska
5.17 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
5.13 | 6:30 PM | West

The Stone the Builders Rejected
Phil Robinson
5.10 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
5.6 | 6:30 PM | West

Let's Clean House
Gavin Johnson
5.3 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
4.29 | 6:30 PM | West

Jesus Changes Everything
Chris Hruska
4.26 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
4.22 | 6:30 PM | West

Nothing + Jesus = Everything
Jacob Richardson
4.19 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
4.15 | 6:30 PM | West

Easter Sunday
Gavin Johnson
4.12 | 10 AM | West

Good Friday
Joe Julian
4.10 | 7 PM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
4.8 | 6:30 PM | West

The Unexpected Pathway to Greatness
Chris Hruska
4.5 | 10 AM | Midtown

Prayer & Worship Night
4.1 | 6:30 PM | West

A Sneak Preview
Gavin Johnson
3.29 | 10 AM | Midtown

Prayer & Worship Night
3.25 | 6:30 PM | West

Who Do You Say That I Am?
Chris Hruska
3.22 | 10 AM | West

Prayer & Worship Night
3.18 | 6:30 PM | West

Jesus Heals a Deaf Man
Gavin Johnson
3.15 | 10 AM | Midtown