Citylight Omaha will have NO physical gatherings on Sunday March 15 and Sunday, March 22, at the West nor Midtown location.

Learn more about COVID-19 Response

We ARE going to broadcast our gathering at 10 AM on Sunday at

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Upcoming Opportunities

Adoption Grants

Apply now!
Because of your generosity, we are so excited to begin providing Adoption Grants to our Members in 2025! If you plan on adopting in 2025, please follow this link and we will be reaching out to you to hear your story! Our heart is not just to provide a grant, but also listen and care for you along the way! Apply for an Adoption Grant.

The Art of Neighboring City Group Equipping with Dave Runyon

2.15 | 8:30 AM - 12 PM | West
City Groups exist as spiritual families being transformed by the gospel in neighborhoods and networks throughout our city to live out the mission of Jesus. Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but in our increasingly isolated communities, how do we practically live out this calling? Bring your City Group to learn from Dave Runyon, author of the Art of Neighboring, and reignite a vision for what God can do through prayer and simple obedience in walking in his way. You don't want to miss this one! Register at

Premarital Class

Sun, 2.23 - 4.13 | 8:30 - 10 AM | West
Sun, 2.23 - 4.13 | 10:30 AM - 12 PM | Midtown

This class is designed to help engaged couples prepare for marriage well by pointing them to a Christ-centered understanding for marriage and is mandatory if you are getting married at Citylight or by a Citylight staff member. Free to attend but you must register and plan to attend the entire 8 weeks if possible. Register at

Baptism Celebrations

West location: 2.9 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM
Midtown location: 2.16 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM

Join us as we celebrate stories of how real people have met and experienced Jesus and their public proclamation of faith in Him! For more information about Baptism, visit

Parent Commissioning and Child Dedication

Class: 3.1 | 8:30 – 11:30 AM | Midtown East Room
Dedications: 3.16 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM | Midtown & West

It is a great joy and privilege for us as a church to come alongside you as parents to encourage, support, equip, and commission you as the primary spiritual influences and disciple-makers of your children. Over the course of this class we will dive into what parent commissioning is, why we dedicate children, and the importance of parenting in community. Learn more and register at

Young Adult Connect Trivia Night

4.4 | 7 - 9 PM | Midtown
Young Adult Connect is for young adults in their 20s and 30s, post-college, and pre-kids. Our goal is for young adults to meet, get connected in community, and live purposefully as followers of Jesus. This launch event will be a fun night to get to know other young adults at Citylight, eat nachos, and learn from peers about the value of community. Invite friends (non-believers welcome). RSVP at

Membership One-Day

4.6 | 1:30 - 4:30 PM | West
Interested in becoming a member of Citylight? This is a one-day event that is for people from both the Midtown and West gathering locations who are pursuing membership AND for those just wanting to get to know Citylight better. Childcare will not be provided. RSVP online at

Mindful Mentors Book Club

Start reading now
Meet-up on 3.8, Zoom | 3.9, in-person

Do you believe it’s important to raise kids who are discipled in mind, body, and spirit? Do you believe Christian parents, teachers, mentors, and friends should partner together to pass on faith to the next generation? Then you should join us as we start a Mindful Mentors Book Club! Learn more and sign up at

2025 Easter Gatherings

Good Friday, 4.18
West & Midtown 7 PM
Easter Sunday, 4.20
West 8, 9:30, & 11 AM | Midtown 8:30 & 10:30 AM

Let's gather on Good Friday to worship Jesus and remember His death on the cross. Then come Sunday morning for a special Easter gathering to celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave! There will be no Citylight Kids classes during the Good Friday gatherings. We will livestream the Good Friday gathering from the West location at 7 PM (with a replay of the Midtown location shortly after) and Easter Sunday from the Midtown location at 8:30 AM and the West location at 11 AM.

Vacation Bible School
True North: Finding Your Way in a World Gone Wild

6.9 - 6.13 | 9 AM - Noon | West
Vacation Bible School makes Jesus real to kids and offers a fun week for kids to invite their friends and neighbors, to come hear and learn about Jesus and His love for them. Save the date, registration coming soon! Learn more and sign up to volunteer at

Adoption Grants

Because of your generosity, we are so excited to begin providing Adoption Grants to our Members in 2025! If you plan on adopting in 2025, please follow this link and we will be reaching out to you to hear your story! Our heart is not just to provide a grant, but also listen and care for you along the way! Apply for an Adoption Grant

Salt Company Fall Kick-Off
Moved to Citylight Midtown

8.29 | 6:30 PM | 4383 Nicholas Street
College students, come and hang out with us on August 29 at Citylight Church for our Salt Company Fall Kick-Off! There will be free Chick-fil-A, games, worship, and a message from the Bible! Bring some friends and help us kick-off the Fall semester! Learn more about Salt Co at

Prayer & Worship Night

11.19 | 6:30 PM | West
We gather every month on the third Tuesday to unite our hearts in prayer, connect with Jesus, and strengthen our faith. We’ll worship and pray together for what God is doing next in Citylight.