Equipping Conversations are events that bring in an outside speaker who has expertise on a topic that we think is important to be talking about. We want these conversations to introduce you to people who are thinking well about important topics. Our goal is to show how clearer thinking about these topics can build each other up in love and unity. Watch videos of past Discipleship Equipping events and teachings.
Citylight Women’s Gathering
Next Gathering TBD
Please join us for an amazing time of worship and Biblical insight. We will have a time of musical worship and a special guest speaker for the morning.
Citylight Women’s Gathering
4.25 | 5:30 - 8:30 PM | West
4.26 | 8:30 AM - 12 PM | West
This year's theme is, Held by Peace: Letting Go of What Distracts and Holding onto Jesus. The weekend will be an opportunity for women to get together, slow down, enjoy good food, and be reminded that you are not walking this journey alone. There will be musical worship and a special guest speaker for the weekend, Kari Minter. The Lord has given her a passion to help women experience the abundant life and God’s continual presence even in the mundane moments and seasons of life. Her desire is to help others cultivate a deeper relationship with God. Come join us as we laugh together, learn about Jesus, worship together, and develop deeper relationships! Dinner will be served Friday night at 5:30 PM. Breakfast will be served Saturday at 8:30 AM.
Register for the
2025 Women's Gathering
Men's Gathering
Next Gathering TBD
Calling all men to join us for the Citylight Men’s Gathering! This will be a place where you can meet, connect, and worship with other men at Citylight.
Equipping Conversation: What is the Good Life?
Friday, 3.14 | 6:30 - 8:15 PM | Midtown
Saturday, 3.15 | 8:30 - 11:30 AM | Midtown
Nebraska’s Department of Economic Development wants you to know that the “Good Life” is found in Nebraska. Nebraska offers us good jobs, good friends, good food, good housing, good teachers, good churches, and (most of all) good people. As they say, “The Good Life is calling.” But who gets to say what The Good Life is? Jonathan Pennington helps us rediscover wisdom from Jesus about “The Good Life.” He suggests that the Bible presents Jesus as Lord, Savior, King, Priest, and Philosopher, teaching us where true happiness may be found. For more information and the register, visit citylightomaha.org/goodlife.
Equipping Conversation: Faith and Fiction
12.6 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | Midtown
For the Christian, is there any point in reading fiction? Our conversation will try to understand the value of the arts for Christian Formation, and especially what benefit reading fiction can have for a Christian.
Theology and the Arts are an area of passion for Dr. Matthew LaPine. He will talk about how fiction has shaped him, and what he has learned in understanding how and why. Our even begins with two theological observations, that God is a creative God and that he has given us his words using many stories.
Register for Equipping Conversation: Faith and Fiction
Equipping Conversation: Mental Health and Faith
6.28 | 6:30 - 8:15 PM | West location
As a culture we face increasing mental health challenges. John Andrew Bryant has written a gripping and award winning book on his journey with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a Christian and minister of the gospel. He will join us for an evening conversation about faith and mental health, as well as his work among those who are vulnerable to these challenges in Pittsburgh, PA. John can teach us how to see and to offer hospitality to those who are suffering. You won't want to miss this evening.
John Bryant is a writer, speaker, and chaplain, these three identities forming one vocation as Evangelist with Church Army USA. John lives, works, and worships in a small town outside Pittsburgh, PA where he lives with wife Becca. His book A Quiet Mind to Suffer With won the 2024 Christianity Today Book Award Winner for Christian Living / Spiritual Formation and the 2024 Illumination Book Awards Gold Medal Winner for Illness/Death/Dying.
Equipping Conversation: The Christian and Politics
4.5 | 6:30 - 8:15 PM | Midtown location
As a new cycle of political elections ramps up, we are inviting Dr. Alex Tuckness to help us think well about how to live faithfully as Christians and citizens of the United States of America. The last decade has brought about big cultural changes, political polarization, and anxiety. Drawing from 1 Peter, he will talk about the unique features of Christian identity and how to live wisely in our cultural moment.
Alex Tuckness is the Chair of the Political Science Department at Iowa State University and an Elder at Cornerstone Church in Ames, IA. He is the author of Locke and the Legislative Point of View (Princeton University Press, 2002), The Decline of Mercy in Public Life (with John Michael Parrish, Cambridge University Press, 2014), This is Political Philosophy (with Clark Wolf, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), and Morality as Legislation (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Equipping Conversation with Elyse Fitzpatrick
9.29 | 7 - 8:30 PM | West
"What the church can learn about overcoming fear, worry, and anxiety,” with Elyse Fitzpatrick. Everyone is invited to a special event with Elyse Fitzpatrick, biblical counselor, author, and speaker. Elyse will discuss replacing worry with God’s peace, and fear with freedom.
Register for Equipping Conversation
with Elyse Fitzpatrick