2.15 | 8:30 AM - 12 PM | West
City Groups exist as spiritual families being transformed by the gospel in neighborhoods and networks throughout our city to live out the mission of Jesus. Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but in our increasingly isolated communities, how do we practically live out this calling? Bring your City Group to learn from Dave Runyon, author of the Art of Neighboring, and reignite a vision for what God can do through prayer and simple obedience in walking in his way. You don't want to miss this one!
Learn more and register
City Groups are continuing to meet, whether in-person or online, and we would love for you to connect with a group so you can experience the joy of growing in your faith in community. If you are already in a City Group, but your group is unsure how best to connect in this season, we want to help you take your existing group online. We’ve developed resources to help you easily transition to a virtual environment.
City Group Leader Training
8.24 | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Midtown
When we describe what City Groups are, we often talk about communities of people who are being transformed by the gospel. That sounds compelling in theory, but it can be quite elusive in practice. This training will take the mystery out of the process and help you lead genuine transformation in your groups. Childcare will not be provided at this event.
Register for City Group Leader Training
City Group Leader Training
Saturday, August 24, 2024 | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Midtown
In this training, we'll use what we call, The Multiplication Matrix, to equip you to multiply disciples, leaders, and groups. You'll walk away with practical tools that will simplify and amplify your discipleship. Whether you're seeking to turn group members into disciple-makers, raising up new leaders, or preparing your group for multiplication, this training has something for every group leader at every stage of multiplication.
This training will be an interactive workshop that includes some brief teaching and opportunities to collaborate with your team, so we encourage you to bring your leadership team with you! Don't have a team? That's okay. This is the perfect opportunity to invite a few people into leadership with you.
City Group Leader Vision Night
Monday, October 2, 2023 | 6 - 7:30 PM | West Downstairs Classroom
This is an opportunity for people to explore the possibility of City Group leadership. It's designed to give potential leaders a vision for what City Groups are, why they're important, and how to take their next steps toward City Group leadership. We invite anyone who is interested in leading a group to join us for this one night commitment. Dinner will be provided. Registration closes by Thursday, September 28.
Register for Vision Night
City Groups are missional communities that multiply disciples of Jesus. This means a City Group is a community of Christ followers that are being spiritually transformed through the reading of God’s Word, living out biblical fellowship as a family, and intentionally pursuing mission for the purpose of demonstrating and declaring the gospel to specific neighborhoods and networks in the city. We want everyone to be a part of a City Group to experience the family of God in real ways and continually grow as disciples who love Jesus and love one another more every day.
Citylight Church is committed to both gathering and scattering as the church. Jesus has called us to make disciples and we believe the best way to make disciples is to scatter throughout the week in City Groups. A City Group is a mid-sized community that is being transformed by the Gospel, growing as a spiritual family, and serving a specific neighborhood or network of Omaha. We want everyone to be a part of a City Group to experience a spiritual family that shares life together and serves a common purpose.
Kickoff: 3.27 | 5 PM | West
Meetings: Mondays, 7 - 8 PM | 3.28 - 5.9 | Zoom
This Cohort will equip new City Group Leaders to be effective disciple-makers. Come learn about gospel fluency, servant leadership, shepherding your group, and so much more. The training videos, supplemental reading, and group Zoom discussions will develop you as a well-rounded City Group Leader.
8.29 | 10:15 - 11 AM | West
8.29 | 12:30 - 1:30 PM | Midtown
Following Jesus is meant to happen in the context of community. Sunday morning Gatherings are important, but “Scattering” into the community is also necessary to grow and develop as disciples. Join us between gatherings at the West location or for lunch at the Midtown location to find out more about City Groups and how to find a group for you!
We want everyone to be a part of a City Group to experience a spiritual family that is being transformed by the gospel, sharing life together, and serving a neighborhood or network in Omaha. To get connected to a group, fill out a connect form and someone from our staff will follow up with you within a week:
Being equipped and having the right tools is crucial in order to make and multiply disciples in City Groups. Click below to learn more and access the weekly City Group discussion guide and other resources.
This cohort is designed to equip new leaders and launch new groups. Learn more about the cohort and apply to become a new City Group Leader.
Every City Group is led by a team of leaders. New leaders are needed to launch new groups and multiply disciples of Jesus. Learn more and apply to become a City Group Leader.
City Groups scatter throughout the city to make disciples and live on mission for Jesus. Group Launch is a place for new people to launch new City Groups. Happening at both Midtown and West locations.
Huddles are an extension of your City Group where you will experience greater depths of discipleship. These smaller gender-specific groups foster environments of trust and accountability.