Sunday Gatherings
At Citylight we believe worshiping together is a blessing and important rhythm. We celebrate our time together. For those who can during this season of pandemic, we meet in-person at 9 & 11 AM at the Midtown and West West locations. If you are older than 4, face masks and social distancing is required for all who enter our buildings. If you don’t have a mask, don’t worry – we will provide one. Also, at this time, we are not providing our usual donuts and coffee. But you are welcome to bring your own into the building space.
Citylight Kids
If you have children that are 4 yrs old and younger, Citylight Kids will be available at our 9 AM service. We ask that you let us know you plan to use childcare so that we can properly plan and ensure we have adequate space. You can register your kids at citylightomaha.org/kids.
Sunday Gatherings
We gather every Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 AM. Free coffee and donuts are served 30 minutes before each gathering. You are welcome no matter what your spiritual background is. We invite skeptics and people from any religious tradition to come check us out. Most people dress casual, come as you are. Every Sunday youʼll experience the reading of Scripture, strong Christ-centered preaching, and musical worship.
Citylight Kids
Citylight Kids serves families of infants through fifth graders at 8:30 and 10:30 AM. If you are visiting for the first time, a check-in desk worker will register you with our secure child check-in system. We use the Gospel Project curriculum, which teaches the Bible chronologically, and includes a Christ connection in every lesson. Kids are always welcome in our gatherings, but we hold multiple “Family Sundays” throughout the year when all kids age 5 years+ gather with us. Learn more...
Citylight Kids
Citylight Kids gathers on Sundays at both the Midtown and West locations. The Midtown location has openings available for infant through 5th grade at the 8:30 AM gathering and 10:30 AM gathering and the West location has openings available for infant through 5th grade at the 9 AM bathering. Registration opens on Tuesdays at 9 AM for the following Sunday. For more details and to register your child, visit the Citylight Kids page.