Children are a gift from God!
Parent commissioning is an opportunity for you, parents, to commit to raising your children to know Jesus, dedicate yourselves to gospel-centered parenting, and for Citylight to commit to come alongside you as a spiritual family to walk with, pray for, and support you on the journey.
Commissioning is celebrated during Sunday morning gatherings throughout the year, both at the Midtown and West locations at 8:30 & 10:30 AM. All participating parents are asked to attend class before the commissioning Sunday.
Parent Commissioning is Not:
Parent Commissioning has no ability to save your child. Only the person and work of Jesus Christ can do that, and we believe that happens when one is able to repent and believe the gospel (Romans 10:9-10).
This commissioning is not a baptism, and it does not impart salvation to the child. Parent Commissioning is viewed as a confirmation between the parents and the church to raise the child in a Godly way until the child is old enough to come to a knowledge of their sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Parent Commissioning & Child Dedication One-Day Class
It is a great joy and privilege for us as a church to come alongside you as parents to encourage, support, equip, and commission you as the primary spiritual influences and disciple-makers of your children.
We don’t want this to just be an event you do or a box you check, but rather that you would process through and step into the calling that the Lord has placed on parents to shepherd and steward the person and work of Jesus Christ to our children!
Over the course of this class we will dive into what parent commissioning is, why we dedicate children, and the importance of parenting in community.
Just one parent will need to register but please register both parents. You are more than welcome to bring your child, there is no need to register your child though. We will have an additional form specific to the Sunday commissioning and dedication.
Sign up for Parent Commissioning and Child Dedication One-Day