May 24-25 | Harvest Moon Farm
1098 County Rd N Oakland, NE 68045
Why Family Camp?
We believe that discipleship happens in relationships, so we celebrate when we can create spaces for that! The purpose of Family Camp is to create space for families (which includes our spiritual Aunties, Uncles, Siblings, Cousins, and Grandparents) to intentionally connect, make memories, and grow together in Christ!
This year we are excited to announce that Luke and Yami Manna will be leading our large group time and teaching us what it means to live on mission through our own stories, and God’s story.
We will have some structured times and activities but we want to keep as much of the time open as possible so we can make memories together. Families will need to bring a tent and supplies for 1 overnight, so if you need to borrow a tent (or have an extra to loan to another family), please email kids@citylightomaha.org. RV’s are welcome, but no hookups (electric/septic) will be available.
The price for Family Camp is $100 for the whole family! This includes food (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and lunch), campsite, activities, t-shirts, and - of course - firewood and s'mores supplies! If the cost is prohibitive, please email kids@citylightomaha.org for information on financial assistance. A limited amount of full and partial scholarships will be available to those who need them. There will also be options for friends attending together and solo campers. If you have questions, please ask!
One Weekend. One Purpose. One Body.
Family Camp is a Citylight tradition that we've celebrated every year on Memorial Day weekend. It's a time when we can disconnect from media, and connect with our family, and with God. Although we would love to gather all together as one big family, we would encourage you to meet together with your families, City Groups, and neighbors in your back yard or favorite camp site. Sign up below to receive a 2021 Citylight Family-Camp-in-a-Bag.
Register by 5.17 to ensure a Family Camp T-shirt. Packs can be picked up on Sunday, May 23 at your gathering location or you can receive them by mail.
Why Family Camp?
We believe that discipleship happens first at home, so we celebrate when we can create spaces for that! The purpose of Family Camp is to create space for families to intentionally connect, make memories and grow together in Christ!
Why make it a tradition?
Parents who integrate traditions as part of the faith formation of their families see an increased transmission of faith! The Bible is full of examples of God commanding His people to observe different celebrations in order to remember God's character and work. One of the reasons was to explain who God is to the next generation!
What if I don't have family to camp with?
If you belong to Jesus, you belong to a family! We highly encourage families, groups of families, friends, and small groups to do Family Camp together. Jesus has given us access and connection to a family so much bigger than we realize!
Citylight Family Camp 2020!
Bring the whole family to Camp Rivercrest over Memorial Day weekend to grow together as a family, grow in relationship with God, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Enjoy a weekend of teaching, worship, and camp activities. Activities include zip-line, climbing wall, big swing, archery, paintball, and more! Choose how to make the most of the weekend for your family.
At Citylight Family Camp 2019 we will be learning how our core values: Down (Gospel), Up (Spiritual Formation), In (Community), and Out (Mission) can be applied in daily family life! Sessions include worship led by a multigenerational band, and speakers from Citylight Omaha including Patrick and Becca Chandler.
Why Family Camp Matters!
The reason we put in hours of planning and tons of promoting for Family Camp is because we believe so much in the outcome:
- everyone is more connected to Christ
- parents are more connected to their kids
- families are more connected to other families
- singles are more connected to extended families to belong to
- a fuller picture of the body that the Bible was talking about
We believe that discipleship happens in relationship, and relationship is what we make space for at Family Camp
May 22 - 24, 2020
Cost for entire weekend: $40 plus lodging and meals
Register for Entire Weekend
Cost for just Saturday (day): $25 plus meals
Register for Just Saturday
If you need financial aid, apply for a scholarship online.
Friday, May 22
4 - 5:30 PM: Family Check-in at the Bishop Meeting Room
6 - 7 PM: Dinner at the Dining Hall
7:15 - 8:30 PM: Welcome and Session 1 at the Chapel - Down (Gospel).
Nursery available for 0 - 2 years.
8:30 - 9:30 PM: Night Hike (meet outside the Chapel)
8:30 - 9:30: PM Ice Cream Social at the Dining Hall
11:00 PM: Lights Out
Saturday, May 23
7 AM: Coffee available at the Dining Hall
8 - 9 AM: Breakfast at the Dining Hall
9:30 - 10:30 AM: Session 2 at the Chapel - Up (Spiritual Formation).
Nursery available for 0 - 2 years.
12 - 1 PM: Lunch at the Dining Hall
1:15 - 2:15 PM: Session 3 at the Chapel - In (Community).
Nursery available for 0 - 2 years.
2:30 - 5:00 PM: Afternoon Activities including Zip line, Climbing Wall, Black Banana, Swimming Pool, Sand Volleyball, Basketball, Gaga ball, Nine Square in the Air, and Hiking. Family Free Time.
5 - 6 PM: Dinner at the Dining Hall
6 - 7:30 PM: Wagon Rides to the Mini-Farm
7:30 - 8:30 PM: Campfire w/ S’mores and outside of the Dining Hall
8:30 - 9:30 PM: Kick Ball
11:00 PM: Lights Out
Sunday, May 24
7 AM: Coffee available at the Dining Hall
8 - 9 AM: Breakfast at the Dining Hall
9:30 - 10:30 AM: Session 4 at the Chapel - Out (Mission).
Nursery available for 0 - 2 years.
10:30 - 12 PM: Hand out family photos. Time for Evaluations. Any closing announcements.
12 PM: Lunch at the Dining Hall
1 - 3:30 PM: Afternoon Activities including Archery, Big Swing, High Ropes Course, Swimming Pool, Sand Volleyball, Basketball, Gaga ball, Nine Square in the Air, and Hiking.
4 PM: Pack up & Head Home… See you next year!