Citylight Global empowers the church to faithfully join Jesus’ kingdom movement of multiplying disciples and churches among all peoples by discovering the Mission of God, developing members of all ages to step into the various roles of this mission, and sending those called to GO to the unreached. Angie Werkmeister has believed in and supported global missions and those who are called to go. Never has it occurred to her that this mission includes her. However, after an invite to go on a weeklong global trip, Angie now understands that through Jesus, she is equipped and called for Jesus’ kingdom movement. It is the call for all believers.

“I made it about me instead of God,” Angie confessed. “In fact, I thought I would never go on a mission trip. I didn’t feel called to go anywhere. When I was invited by a friend to go on the Berlin trip this past summer, immediately I said ‘yes.’ But then I calmed down and prayed about it and knew this is where I am supposed to be. As soon as I said ‘yes’ though, spiritual warfare began especially when I started to raise support. That was so foreign to me, and I did not want to do it at all. I kept hearing inside of me that I was not good enough to go and that I have nothing to offer. Now I know that is a lie.”

Looking back on her first mission trip, Angie is celebrating what God is doing in and through His people and for His kingdom. First, Angie saw God put together a team of strangers and bind them with His love and purpose.

“God perfectly put together people who are completely different and yet synced with one another effortlessly,” Angie shared with joy. “Because of that, we were able to pour love and joy into the mission partners in Berlin and exactly at the right time. One of the missionary couples, Jon and Rachael, said they did not realize how much they needed that! We needed it too! My purpose for being there more than anything else was for my brother and sister in Christ, and to love on them well. Their prior dismay of our arrival was quickly overshadowed by His perfect timing. They expressed how just our team being there was a welcome nourishment to their souls. God is so good!”

Second, Angie saw God’s people serving the community through an art gallery. Envision Berlin, an Alliance Mission partner, opened an art gallery in the neighborhood to give non-secular and secular artists a space to display art. Over the last decade, friendships have been formed which have led to conversations about Jesus.

“We were fortunate to meet one German who put their trust in Jesus!” Angie exclaimed. “This Envision team's faithfulness to prayer and commitment to this nation is evident. Envision had let our team know ahead of time that they would love for us to create artwork for their office walls. We had two skillful artists on our team. With all hands-on deck, we were able to get the mural done in one day! Envision Berlin felt the love and told us that this art was a major blessing.”

Angie also saw the power of prayer in a new way. Jon and Rachael (Citylight's global partners in Berlin) arrived in Germany not knowing the language. This has become a daunting challenge along with unexpected ones. Their neighborhood is mixed with Germans and Turkish communities, with a heavier emphasis of Turkish.

“Before leaving I asked the Lord to reveal why He asked me to go,” Angie exclaimed. “I asked Him that I would be a blessing to those I encounter, and to do a mighty work in me. In His grace and mercy, He responded. Jon and Rachael’s prayers, and now mine and the whole team’s, is that friendships would be strengthened, and Christ declared, that the language barrier is no more, and that trusting relationships/friendships are made. Spiritual warfare is active in global work! They are both experiencing all the highs and lows. I have found that a missionaries' mental health can take a deep dive if not maintained through prayer, counseling, community, and friends. I know now why God sent our team and why He sent me.”

Angie saw firsthand the power of prayer and community. She witnessed the necessity for prayer and how God answers prayers, seen or unseen according to His will. As a follower of Jesus, Angie constantly talks with God, but on this trip, God showed something tangibly to Angie that she had never done before. One day, the team with Jon and Rachael walked out the front door of their apartment and went on a prayer-walk. Angie described that morning:

“To walk a neighborhood and just specifically pray to Jesus for the business you are walking by, or the person that Spirit directs your thoughts too, a home or apartment complex, a group of teenagers, the park full of people- was powerful! I walked Jon and Rachael’s neighborhood for hours in prayer and it has forever changed me. It seems so obvious and yet it was not a practice of mine. I go for walks all the time now. This will be part of my daily life.”

God’s power was revealed to Angie in Berlin. He has given her a new perspective on her mission field here in Omaha. God moved, revealed, nurtured, and revived Angie. She is beyond grateful to Him and for being obedient to His call.

“I know that I am not obedient all the time when He calls me to do things that are hard, complicated, or uncomfortable,” Angie admitted. “And yet I know that if God calls me to go again, the reasoning is perfect. I have learned that when I trust in His plans for me, He does a good work in and through me. Whether or not my mission field is across the oceans or in my city, I want people to know Christ. It is never too late! Take it from a lady who got saved in her 40’s. I want everyone to have what I now possess. The love and peace that passes all understanding. The forgiveness of what I once thought was unforgivable. Most importantly, an eternity worshiping Jesus! Assuredly I can say that if the Lord calls on me again, I will answer with a fanatical YES! I pray that I can help another person who may be called into unknown territory. I would tell them that our confidence is in Him and He does not put us anywhere we are not supposed to be. If you are being called, say yes!”

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11


We follow Jesus today because He has been relentlessly faithful to pursue and redeem the foreigner, you and me. And now He invites all of us to join with Him on His Mission to redeem all nations! So as a church, we GO and serve alongside our global partners in the Mission He has called them. Please pray and apply to our Global Engagement Trips!

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