Joelle has been a part of Citylight Omaha for over a year and a half, but you wouldn’t know it. So many of us know her, have served with her, or have sat next to her at a class or event. If not, chances are, she’s probably served you and your family on a typical Sunday. Having attended Citylight Council Bluffs in college, she knew she wanted to stay in the Citylight family and jumped right into our church, and quite literally. Joelle is the newest intern and is serving in the kids ministry at the West location.

“I’ve always been with kids,” Joelle shared. “I’ve worked at a daycare and as a preschool teacher. I love kids and have always worked with and served kids. I like that they are so honest. They are innocent and I love being able to see them grow and be there with them as they are growing. In my preschool class it was so fun because I knew all the kids.”

Joelle grew up in a Christian home and most of her family attends at Citylight Omaha. When Joelle was a teenager, she attended camp each summer. It was at camp she wanted to know for sure if she was saved.

“That summer, I wanted to know for sure if I was saved and going to heaven and to have my own relationship with Jesus,” Joelle said with a big smile. “I remember talking to my camp counselor and we prayed, and I believed and knew I was 100%.”

In college, Joelle experienced opportunities that tested her. College was harder. Her faith was now being led by herself and she experienced the fact that if she didn’t want to lead herself on a certain day or certain season, then it felt ‘easier’ to not to at all. During this, however, she began to ask questions and wanted answers. Questions such as ‘how do you know?’ and ‘what do you need to do as a Christian?’ Through family, friends, and Jesus, she found them and is walking on the straight and narrow path.

Recently, on a typical Sunday morning serving in kids ministry, Joelle was talking to Stephanie Swanson, West’s Kids Director. Joelle shared with Stephanie how she felt stuck and was looking for answers on where God wanted her and what she should do for a job. It was then Joelle found out about internships in the kid’s ministry.

“At first, I was like no way,” Joelle said as she considered the weight of ministry and support raising. “I really thought all that is not for me. But I prayed and prayed. I asked God if this is what He wants. If this is what I am supposed to do. Every time I prayed, someone would text me and say that I should consider applying. I asked the Lord to help me. When I applied for the position, I knew ministry is hard but wanted to discover and be obedient to if this is what I am supposed to be. An internship is perfect for all of that.”

Now, as an intern on staff at a church that she loves and adores, with families and kids she is excited to serve, Joelle shares this with our church:

“I just want the families at Citylight to know I love Jesus and that my goal is to help lead families and kids to Christ. I love all the kids and their families. I want to be there for the kids and help them in their journeys in life. I am so excited for this and just to see my future here. I wasn’t expecting this but now that I am here, it’s just so crazy! God can do anything.”

If you call Citylight home, would you consider serving alongside Joelle and the amazing serving team in the kids ministry? Joelle would love to share with you how you can be a part of this incredible church family and how Jesus loves you.

To learn more, visit

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