Salt Company, Citylight's college ministry, is sending out three global teams this summer. Each member of each team is in the process of being trained, equipped, and connected with their team members and while they invest their time, resources, and heart, they ask for their church family to pray. The teams are:

Please pray for financial support to be 100% fulfilled, that they themselves would draw near to the Lord before they go, and that the Lord would help prepare the hearts of the people they meet in their locations.
Church...we follow Jesus today because He has been relentlessly faithful to pursue and redeem the foreigner, you and me. And now He invites all of us to join with Him on His Mission to redeem all nations! So as a church, we can GO too by serving alongside these three teams with prayer and support in the Mission He has called them.
To find more information on the global teams and who they will be serving, visit