Hey, Citylight family! If you’re not a parent, you may be wondering why there are so many more kids in church (and why they’ll be there until the end of the year). As a parent, you might be wondering the same thing!
If you’ve attended Citylight for very long, you know that kids are valued in our community, and we desire to make and multiply disciples in our children as much as we desire that for adults.
Deuteronomy 6 is a great passage about passing on faith to our children. Verse 7 says, “You shall teach [God’s words] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” But what we don’t see, is that in the original text the meaning is YOU ALL…because the whole nation was being addressed about following God.
At Citylight, we believe that passing on faith to our children is the work of the whole family of Christ. I want my own children to know many adults who will love them well, and constantly point them to Jesus.
As you see children sitting next to you this Advent season, (really anytime, since they’re always welcome!), please encourage them and their parents. Pick up the colors that they drop; smile; sing loudly; worship unashamedly. Children will look up to you, and learn from your examples of faith.
Thank you for welcoming children just as Jesus did. Let’s follow His example and draw kids in to meet with Him!
Love you, Citylight.
In Him,
Whitney Julian, Citylight Kids Director