10.13 - 10.20 | Midtown & West
At Citylight, we are joining with Jesus on His Mission to multiply disciples and churches here in Omaha, and across the globe. This week, come and gain a bigger perspective of our God as we celebrate what He is doing in and through our global partners, Dave and Robin Laney, who serve as the co-directors of Robin’s Nest Children’s Home in Jamaica. Through a journey of surrender and trust, Jesus has called them to provide a safe place, rooted in His love, where hurting children can grow physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Please join us this week as we learn and celebrate what Jesus is currently doing in and through the Laneys.
What's Happening
We have the honor of welcoming our global partners, the Laneys, from the Caribbean this week! There will be several opportunities to hear them tell of what they are witnessing God doing on the mission field and rejoice together!
Church Gatherings
Sunday, October 13 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM | West
Sunday, October 20 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM | Midtown
Dave and Robin Laney will be sharing about Jesus’ faithfulness as they serve at the Robin’s Nest Children’s Home in Jamaica.
Global Prayer and Worship Night
Tuesday, October 15 | 6:30 - 7:30 PM | Midtown
Prayer and Worship Night focused on praying over the children of Robin’s Nest. All the work of Robin’s Nest matters because these children, their stories, matter to Jesus. They are enough. Come and spend an evening worshiping and calling to our Father who sees and pursues the fatherless.
Global Partner Brunch
Saturday, October 19 | 10 ~ 12:30 PM | West
Join us for a brunch with Dave and Robin Laney as we learn and celebrate all that Jesus is currently doing in and through them as well as Robin’s Nest. Also learn how we, their senders, can join with them in caring for and loving these children.
Brunch Signup
Next Steps
Learn more about Citylight Global
Our vision at Citylight is to see the gospel transform the City of Omaha and beyond through multiplying disciples and churches.