Send Pathway

Not all of us are called to go, but if you are a follower of Jesus, you do have a role to play in His Mission. For many of us, this is to be a sender; to send our global partners out well. What does this look like?

The Great Commission Jesus gave us requires that we make disciples both locally and among the nations. Over the past 7 years, Citylight has sent over 20 mission teams to partner with discipleship and church planting efforts around the world and see first hand what Jesus is doing among the nations. In these early years of our church, our “strategy” has been to PRAY for the Spirit’s leading, PARTNER with opportunities that come our way, and begin to discern which opportunities God would have us PICK to focus on moving forward. After this process, our pastoral team would like to propose the following international partnerships for a 5 year commitment (2022-2027):

Dave & Robin Laney

Global Partners | Carribean
Serving at-risk youth in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Connect with Dave & Robin

Williams & Manfreds

Global Partners | Cambodia
Serving the unreached people groups of Cambodia through various medical, linguistic, and relational engagements.
Connect with the Williams
Connect with the Manfreds

Jon & Rachael

Global Partners | Central Europe
Serving the refugee and local in a post-Christian city in Central Europe.
Connect with Jon & Rachael

Nick & Siana

Global Partners | South Africa
Engaged in justice ministry as a witness to the power of the gospel and to the glory of Jesus, specifically amongst those who are being trafficked.
Connect with Nick & Siana

Joel & Kate

Global Partners | Central Europe
Serving in a post-Christian city in Central Europe.
Connect with Joel & Kate


This page provides you with all the resources you need to truly become a SENDER of our Global Partners. If you have never done this, start small. We encourage all of you to adopt one global partner and become part of what Jesus is doing across the globe!

Prayer Updates

Join our prayer team to stay up-to-date and cover our global partners in prayer. Prayer requests/praises will be texted directly to you each month.
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Global Stories

Read monthly stories from our Global Partners as well as mid-term and short-term Global Engagement trips.
Global Stories


Discover what God is doing across the world through conversations with our Global Partners and discussions of various topics related to the Mission of God.