Midtown location | 4383 Nicholas Street
Good Friday | April 18 | 7 PM | No CLKids
Easter Sunday | April 20 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM

West location | 3401 Oak View Drive
Good Friday | April 18 | 7 PM | No CLKids
Easter Sunday | April 20 | 8, 9:30, & 11 AM

Easter Gatherings

Let's gather on Good Friday to worship Jesus and remember His death on the cross. Then come Sunday morning for a special Easter gathering to celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave! There will be no Citylight Kids classes during the Good Friday gatherings. We will livestream the Good Friday gathering from the West location at 7 PM (with a replay of the Midtown location shortly after) and Easter Sunday from the Midtown location at 8:30 AM and the West location at 11 AM.


Serving Opportunities

Come serve as a church family this season. There are plenty of opportunities to show others the love of Christ and participate in the Good Friday and Easter gatherings. From Setup Team to Clean Up Crew, we would love to come together and bless others this Easter.

Serving Opportunities Coming Soon!

Midtown location | 4383 Nicholas Street
Good Friday | March 29 | 7 PM | No CLKids
Easter Sunday | March 31 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM

West location | 3401 Oak View Drive
Good Friday | March 29 | 7 PM | No CLKids
Easter Sunday | March 31 | 8, 9:30, & 11 AM

Let's gather on Good Friday to worship Jesus and remember His death on the cross. Then come Sunday morning for a special Easter gathering to celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave! There will be no Citylight Kids classes during the Good Friday gatherings. We will livestream the Good Friday gathering from the West location at 7 PM (with a replay of the Midtown location shortly after) and Easter Sunday from the Midtown location at 8:30 AM and the West location at 11 AM.


2020 Easter Gatherings

Good Friday on April 10 at 7 PM | Easter Sunday on April 12 at 10 AM

We will live broadcast at citylightomaha.org/live, Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo. Please, join us!! It’s been amazing to see not only our church family join in, but also LOTS of people joining in who wouldn’t normally darken our doors. Join us in praying that Jesus would use this unique season to draw MANY to Himself! This Easter season, we'll gather together on Good Friday to worship Jesus and remember His death on the cross. Then we'll come together again Sunday morning for a special Easter gathering to celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave!

2020 Easter Gatherings

Let's gather on Good Friday to worship Jesus and remember His death on the cross. Then come Saturday evening or Sunday morning for a special Easter gathering to celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave! There will be no Citylight Kids classes during the Good Friday and Saturday Easter gatherings. We will livestream Easter Sunday from the Midtown location at 9 AM and the West location at 11 AM at live.citylightomaha.org.

Midtown location | 4383 Nicholas Street
Good Friday | April 2 | 7 PM | No CLKids
Easter Sunday | April 4 | 9 & 11 AM

West location | 3401 Oak View Drive
Good Friday | April 2 | 7 PM | No CLKids
Easter Sunday | April 4 | 7:30, 9, & 11 AM

Serving Opportunities

Come serve as a church family this season. At the West location there are plenty of opportunities to show others the love of Christ and participate in the gatherings. From helping in Citylight Kids to stacking chairs, we would love to come together and bless others this Easter.

West Citylight Kids Opportunities

Other West Serving Opportunities