2024 Budget Details

Citylight traditionally looks at our ministry expenses in six major areas. The proposed 2024 budget totals approximately $5.8 million in expenses across these areas. The area groupings provide a glance at the resource allocation at a high level. We want to ensure maximum financial allocation in areas that directly accomplish the mission of multiplying disciples and churches while limiting the indirect cost associated with ministry. This means we want to see more spending in Ministries and Missions, Pastoral, and Outside Giving while less on Facilities, Administration, and Ministry Support.

Area Groupings


Highlights of the 2024 budget include:

  • Planned spending was set to match anticipated 4% growth of ministry fund giving over 2023 amount (previously known as general fund).
  • Increase overall planned spending by approximately 6% compared to last year actual.
  • Biggest increases include Salaries and Benefits for staff and facilities cost due to accelerated debt repayment strategy.
  • Accelerated debt repayment to enable Midtown payoff and $1 million remaining balance at West by balloon payment April of 2029.


- Salaries & Benefits
- Office Supplies
- Bank Charges & Fees
- Professional Fees (Legal, Accounting, HR etc.)


- Salaries & Benefits
- Communications
- Media Production
- Equipment
- Livestream
- Software & Platforms


- Salaries & Benefits
- Care Ministries
- Christian Education
- Citylight Kids
- City Groups
- Citylight Global
- Salt Company
- Serving Teams
- Neighborhood Engagement
- Students
- Worship
- Intern & Resident Program


- Salaries & Benefits
- Maintenance
- Janitorial
- Condo Dues
- Utilities
- Insurance
- Improvements
- Mortgage


- Salaries & Benefits
- Baptism & Member Events
- Sunday Gathering
- Church Conferences
- Hospitality


- Citylight Family
- Local Missions
- Benevolence
- Great Commission
- Partner Giving
- Church Plant Support
- Global Partner Support

Chart of Account Detail

Below shows every Chart of Account that is used to track income and expenses.

Several important notes:

  1. We only budget for general operating income and expense.  Any donations for specific use are not planned in the operating budget. This means that separate funds like Church Plants, Great Commission, Interns Support Raising, or Mission Trips will not have an impact on the budget.
  2. Although designated funds are not budgeted, Citylight does plan to spend or give in 2024 above the received designated funds for several Outside Giving aeras. These are funded by the general fund and are grouped in the “Outside Giving” grouping.
  3. The Mortgage Principal is not typically included in an expense (And Budget).  But because the team’s desire to intentionally allocate additional funds in 2024, an expense account was created with a sub-account to offset the expense as payments are made throughout the year.

2024 Budget

Account Number Account Name Annual Budget $
Personnel Expenses
5001 Salaries Expense 2,065,477.68
   5001.2 Housing Allowance 880,558.32
   5001.5 ER Payroll Taxes 76,209.96
5002 Health Insurance 268,800.00
5003 Retirement 173,920.08
5004 HRA Expense 189,898.68
5006 Tuition and Books 50,400.00
5007 Other Benefits 93,000.00
5008 Reimbursements 0.00
Total Personnel Expenses 3,798,264.72
General Expenses
5101 Programs 142,285.18
5102 Events 201,091.96
5103 Staff Training 68,606.92
5104 Rent 6,000.00
5105 Equipment (Expensed) 44,392.00
5106 Maintenance 60,000.00
5107 Janitorial 129,999.96
5108 Condo Association Dues 42,000.00
5109 Utilities 67,153.20
5110 Phone and Internet 12,480.00
5111 Insurance 37,200.00
5112 Transportation 1,500.00
5113 Books and Subscriptions 3,939.84
5114 Office Supplies 30,000.00
5115 Printing 11,000.00
5117 Meals 65,275.56
5119 Hospitality 49,992.00
5120 Professional Fees 30,000.00
5121 Software and Platform Subscriptions 19,992.00
5122 Building Improvements 49,999.92
Total General Expenses 1,072,908.54
Outside Giving
5202 CL Missionaries - Expenses 49,999.92
5204 Church Multiplication - Expenses 99,999.96
5205 Benevolence - Expenses 39,999.96
5210 Partner Giving - Expenses 50,001.00
5220 Short-Term Missions - Expenses 24,996.00
Total Outside Giving 264,996.84
Principal and Interest
5401 Interest Expense 184,843.56
5402 Budget for Mortgage Principal 539,544.96
Total Principal and Interest 724,388.52
Total Expenses 5,860,558.62

Another helpful view of the proposed budget is by Citylight Ministry Teams. We have a great team of 60 employees across 15 teams. The teams are allocated portions of the above budget. The below table shows the total expenses segmented by allocation group.

Ministry Teams

Team Annual Budget
100 - Care 259,428.36
150 - CL Kids 340,974.76
200 - City Groups 222,068.13
250 - Students 311,588.43
300 - SALT 191,653.36
350 - Worship 222,294.14
400 - Church-Wide Ministry / Pastoral 1,322,470.39
450 - Facilities 1,266,198.96
500 - Admin 257,120.50
550 - Ministry Support 618,880.55
600 - Neighborhood Engagement 85,718.62
650 - Global Focus 156,692.15
700 - Serving Teams 157,526.84
750 - Christian Education 384,512.88
125 - Intern 63,430.55
Total Expense 5,860,558.62

Buildings are a significant portion of the Citylight Operating budget.  The below tables show the  allocations for our two locations.  Note – These are rolled into the Facilities Team allocation shown above.

Midtown location

Account Name Annual Budget
Rent 6,000.00
Maintenance 11,000.04
Janitorial 24,999.96
Condo Association Dues 46,956.00
Utilities 24,000.00
Depreciation - Buildings 90,000.00
Interest Expense 62,081.88
Budget for Mortgage Principal 143,209.80
Total Expense 408,247.68
Net Income (Loss) -408,247.68

West location

Account Name Annual Budget
Maintenance 30,000.00
Janitorial 39,999.96
Utilities 48,000.00
Depreciation - Buildings 24,999.96
Interest Expense 179,018.04
Budget for Mortgage Principal 150,882.36
Total Expense 472,900.32
Net Income (Loss) -472,900.32