Citylight Students

Citylight Students (CLS) exists to disciple students in Knowing Jesus, Growing in Him, and Going out to share the Good News. As one church in two locations, we share mission and vision together. Be sure to sign up for our emails and check our calendars for specific times, dates, and locations at both the Midtown and West locations.

Connect with CLS West

Gatherings | Wed, 6 - 8:15 PM | Student Center
High School City Group | Sun, 6 - 7:30 PM | Host home
West 2024 - 2025 Schedule

Middle School Text Notifications

Text @clswestMS to 81010 to receive text notifications regarding CLS West weekly gatherings, updates, announcements, and special events.

High School Text Notifications

Text @clswestHS to 81010 to receive text notifications regarding CLS West weekly gatherings, updates, announcements, and special events.

MIDTOWN Student Gatherings | Wednesdays | 6:30 - 8 PM | Midtown location Boys Basketball | Tuesdays | 6 - 8 PM | Adams Community Center Discipleship Groups | Various times and locations Midtown Fall-Spring Calendar

WEST Student Gatherings | Wednesdays | 6 - 8 PM | Student Center Middle School Equipping | Sundays | 10 - 11 AM | Room 206 B High School City Group | Sundays | 6 - 7:30 PM | Leader's house West 2023 Calendar

Citylight Family Spring Student Retreat

4.29 - 5.1 | Camp Rivercrest
Join us on our first ever Citylight Family Spring Student Retreat! Students from several churches in the Citylight Family will all be coming together to worship God and multiply disciples. This weekend will be full of fun and fellowship as we focus on our one hope in Jesus. We have the entire camp rented out for the weekend with worship and teaching throughout the weekend, along with group games, space to pause and unplug with Jesus, community building with your group, and sharing meals together. We encourage you to sign up and bring a friend!

Register for the Retreat

Midtown Gatherings | Wednesdays | 6:30 - 8 PM | Midtown location

West Gatherings | Wednesdays | 6 - 8 PM | West location

West City Groups | Sundays | 12:30 - 2 PM | West location

  Midtown Fall-Spring Calendar West 2023 Calendar


Our rhythms were designed in connection with our core values at Citylight Church: Down (Gospel), Up (Spiritual Formation), In (Community), Out (Mission).

Through our gatherings together, we will always point to the Gospel, the “good news” that God has reached down to us in his son, Jesus, to defeat sin and death and their effects in our world. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus has initiated and accomplished what we never could. Through small group discussion and activities together, we focus on spiritual formation. We are committed to proclaiming the gospel not just as the front door to Christianity but as the good news that we live by every day.

City Groups
In our mid-week small groups, known as City Groups, we are building our relationships with both the Lord and with one another. Community is the context for gospel formation and mission.

We want to go out on mission in our neighborhoods, schools, teams, and city. The same gospel that transforms us also compels us outward on mission. We want to be intentional about outreach, serving others and bringing hope to our city.

Student Ministry Team

Jacob Gatewood
Midtown Students Director
CJ Curry
Midtown Students Resident
Support CJ
Sara Curry
Midtown Students Resident
Support Sara
Andi Matheson
Midtown Students Resident
Support Andi
Kate Countryman
West Students Director
Brian Pruch
West Students Director
Christian Todd
West Students Resident
Support Christian

Citylight Students

Summer Calendars

Citylight Students exists to multiply disciples and churches by equipping students and families to be lifelong followers of Jesus. We are one student ministry that meets in two locations with the following rhythms: As one church in two locations, we share mission and vision together. Be sure to sign up for our emails and check our calendars for specific times, dates, and locations at both the West and Midtown locations.

Meet: (Weekly)

We meet to see students begin a relationship with Christ and meet together as a group weekly for a time of singing, preaching, small groups, and stories of how God is moving in this generation. In our small groups, students will discuss the sermon and how they can put it into practice.

Mature: (Daily)

Our hope is to see students mature in Christ as they meet with Him daily and make disciples by participating on mission here and around the world. We desire for them to be equipped to read, understand, apply, and obey the Word of God in their lives. We want students to be involved in huddles in their schools or friend groups for accountability, to stay focused on following Christ, and set a pattern to be life long followers of Jesus.

Summer Calendars

This summer it is our hope to provide space and time for students to have both fellowship and fun. We hope that through these events a foundation will be formed and built on going into this next school year. Mark your calendars with these dates! Please don’t let finances or transportation stop your student from being involved.

West | Middle School

  • 6th Grade Introduction Night
    6.1 | Bristol's House
  • The Mark
    6.15 | 5:30 - 7 PM | 20902 Cumberland Dr, Elkhorn, NE 68022
  • Night at the Bristol's
    6.29 | Bristol's House
  • Summer Games
    7.13 | West location Green Space
  • End of Summer Party!
    7.27 | 5:30 - 8 PM | West location

West | High School

  • S'mores Night
    6.8 | 5:30 - 7 PM | West location Green Space
  • The Mark
    6.22 | 20902 Cumberland Dr, Elkhorn, NE 68022
  • Food Court Hangout
    7.6 | Flagship Commons
  • Summer Games @ the Park
    7.20 | 5:30 - 8 PM | West location Green Space
  • End of Summer Party!
    7.27 | 5:30 - 8 PM | West location

Midtown | All Students

  • Board Game Mondays
    Mondays | 1 - 3 PM | Citylight Midtown Offices
  • Kickball
    Wednesdays | 6:30 - 8 PM| Walnut Hill Elementary
  • Thrashin’ Thursdays (Fishing)
    Thursdays | 3 - 5 PM | Benson Park
  • CLS City Groups
    Thursdays | 6 - 7:30 PM | Miller Household
  • Weekend Workouts
    Saturdays | 10 - 11:30 AM | Citylight Midtown Garage