Throughout Josie’s life, God has placed ebenezers, stones of help, as a reminder of His presence. When Josie was five, at a Good News camp, it was a faithful volunteer. She recognized Josie’s acute focus on the Jesus story and after pulling her aside, prayed with Josie for Jesus to come into her heart. As a sophomore in college, God provided hope and friendship in a desperately lonely season through an unexpected roommate. Time and time again, with these ebenezers, Josie grew in her faith and in her identity as a child of God. A few years ago, God called Josie to be an ebenezer to a young girl.

“I was thinking of ways I could serve,” Josie shared. “I’m a teacher and I feel gifted in working with youth. I wanted to work in that capacity and knowing my story and my heart for people living in isolation, I thought of student ministry. I am so thankful for the people who came and spoke into my life, that were outside my family. To have someone on the outside, even just praying for me, or that I knew that I could trust, who could speak into those parts in need, was helpful.”

The mentor program was suggested to Josie. Josie applied and after being accepted, was paired with a third grader, Everly. Before mentoring Everly, and the past three years, the mentor program at Citylight gives training and tools to all mentors.

“The training is so helpful,” Josie described. “Initially, it’s insightful in terms of boundaries, what that can look like, with respect, and safety in respect for the mentee and family. Also, they provide events and activities to do with your mentee. The mentor program checks in with me to see how they can help, and problem solve with what is going well or not. If I have any questions, they are so quick to respond. I have made friends with other mentors in the program, and we talk about our experience and learn from one another. There are so many good mentors that I admire. How they are leading and being the gospel to their mentee. They inspire me and give me a fresh perspective. Some of us mentors are doing a Bible study together. It can be difficult to know how to bring up the gospel with our mentee. The program helps equip us in different conversations with our mentee. They make mentoring easy.”

Over the past three years through mentoring, Josie has grown in her faith and friendship. God has given her strength and courage to speak boldly about the Gospel. He has given Josie opportunities to grow in leadership and in being an intentional role model by following Christ.

“I just love being Everly’s mentor,” Josie confessed. “Hanging out with her and just every time we get to spend together, God is teaching me so much. To not just give her worldly advice, but Godly advice. I tend to hold back on that, but God has pressed in and has said “I am with you, it doesn’t have to be perfect.” Also, to continue to have the greatest love for Him first. I can’t wait to see what the future holds, but also in the next hour we get to see each other. I love that she gets to be a part of my life. We know our lives, and it’s a good friendship. I am thankful to God that I get to be in her life. That her mom, and Everly, would allow me to have those times together.”

Being a part of Everly’s life the past three years, Josie has experienced many celebrations in Everly’s life and opportunities to pray and walk alongside Everly and her family.

“Everly now loves to celebrate her accomplishments with me,” Josie said. “This last year, math was hard for her. She got in my car not too long ago and shared that she did her homework and how she did on her math test. That was so big to her and important. Even being with her in those moments is special to me. I’ve been able to be supportive to her family and be an outside support system.”

Earlier this year, Everly asked Josie to baptize her. That was an indicator to Josie that their relationship was important to Everly as it was to her. Josie felt so blessed and honored.

“It was so emotional for me,” Josie declared. “I think baptism is the most beautiful thing. People are saying ‘yes’ and the declaration of showing what their life looks like with Jesus. And Everly inviting me into that, into this journey, is just exciting. To be in any capacity in her life, that she allows me to be, is special.”

Being a mentor for Josie has been way easier and at the same time harder than what she thought. Easy because the Citylight mentoring team has set her up for success. Harder because of growing in her reliance on God.

“Mentoring is rewarding in the sense of getting to see your own personal growth,” Josie concluded. “God will use me in His way and for His glory, even if I don’t see it. Mentoring is not a huge commitment and it’s not overwhelming. I think I am always surprised how wonderful and a blessing it has been in my life. To Everly, I just love being your mentor and hanging out with you and just every time we get to spend together. I am so proud of you. I love your spunk. I love every time we are with each other and seeing how you are growing in Christ and what you have overcome. I’m so giddy that you are my friend.”

Josie plans on being Everly’s mentor all the way through High School and her friend after that, God willing. Josie just wants what God wants and what Everly and her family needs. To continue being an ebenezer for them. However, they are the ones that have become another ebenezer in Josie's life. God knows we all need stones of help.

For more information or to apply to be a mentor or mentee, visit

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