Christmas in July

July 26 | 6:30 PM | West location
CLK Summer of Service comes to a conclusion with Christmas in July! Beginning in July there will be Christmas trees at each gathering location with tags listing needs of children & families in our community. Pick up a tag on a Sunday morning and purchase the gift listed. We will then come together as one Church to wrap these gifts at the West location on July 26.

Summer of Service

"The CLK Summer of Service has become a treasured tradition at Citylight Omaha! Citylight Kids exists to help families meet, imitate, and share Jesus. We believe that happens through the gospel, relationships, and service. It is for this reason that we take our entire summer to give children and families opportunities to do hands-on service work with the goal of sharing Jesus with the neighbors in our backyards, and around the world.

Did you know that when a child accepts Christ, they don’t receive a “mini” Holy Spirit? They receive the entire Holy Spirit, with all the power and giftings that the Bible promises! So, kids aren’t the church of tomorrow…if they are in Christ, they ARE the Church, right now. We LOVE having people jump in for this exciting season to see the way God works through kids to reach the world.

Christmas in July | Midtown & West
During the Summer of Service we focus on helping kids share their faith in action. One way we do that is learning about Citylight's Global Partners. This year, Citylight Kids is partnering with the Laneys who are serving in Jamaica for Christmas in July! Our goal is to throw the kids at Robin’s Nest an epic Jamaica Independence Day Party! Grab a tag on the Christmas tree and drop the amount off in the gift box by the end of July. In CLK, kids will be raising money for Robin’s Nest as well. If you have kids who attend CLK, have them bring some money to give during the offering.


Sign up to Serve with Citylight Kids

You could be part of this mission! As you serve kids, they will see the way you are imitating Jesus’ posture towards children, and will grow in love and affection of Christ as they build relationships with you!

Would you prayerfully consider joining our Summer of Service Team? What a powerful way to witness to your child by serving them, and partnering with them as they serve others locally and globally!

Sign up to serve