When life collapsed for Ruth seven years ago, never did she think it would settle down into a life of comfort, joy and community. Most of her life, without even knowing it, she lived guarded. She was depleted by people around her and then abandoned. She didn’t know how she would recover nor live. God did and slowly showed Ruth that he was there, never would leave her, and signs that his plan was great.

Shortly after these unexpected events, Ruth needed to find a new home. But where and how? God showed her.

“I had to find what I could afford and quickly,” Ruth shared. “It’s a great little house with a huge yard. I am outside as much as possible. After being there a few years, and during 2020, I started to meet people walking by. I planted lots of flowers by the front fence. People would comment on my flowers as they walked by when I was out watering them or working in the yard. It’s a busy street and on a corner so I met a lot of people.”

It was during this season she also attended a City Group Leader training at Citylight. The morning training Ruth heard very clearly a word. A few minutes later, she heard it again.

“God said to me ‘ladies,’” Ruth confessed. “I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t want to be a leader. At our next City Group, I invited the ladies over to meet at my house. I wasn’t sure what for, but I knew God wanted me to.”

That time with the ladies from her City Group in her home was pivotal for Ruth. It showed her the joy and love she receives from God’s people. It showed her she was more than able to have people in her home. It showed her love that she didn’t know she was missing. After that, and into the next couple of years, Ruth began to step out of her cocoon and into fresh freedom. And then, another word came to Ruth. Well, two words.

“It was 'block party,'” Ruth exclaimed. “In 2022, I wanted to host a block party. I never had before but knew I needed to. So, I asked my City Group if they would host it with me and they said ‘yes.’ I walked up and down my street with fliers and invited all my neighbors. I didn’t know their names or phone numbers, so I went door to door handing them out. My City Group brought hotdogs and buns, and neighbors brought cookies and other foods to share. It was a good time. It was an opportunity to meet a few people. I wanted to know my neighbors and I thought it would be a good idea to know who I lived close to by being a single woman.”

Later in 2022, the Lord gave Ruth another word or thought. It was about putting a sign up for prayer.

“I was like “huh?”” Ruth said in disbelief. “I asked him “What does that look like, Lord?” I kind of put it to the side but a year or so later, I was at the hardware store one day and walked by mailboxes and something clicked. When I saw this mailbox, a small black one, I thought it would be perfect to wire to my front fence with a sign that said, “How may I pray for you?” on the lid.”

And so, she did. It wasn’t long after attaching the box by her front gate when she started to get requests and comments from folks walking by.

“I’ve had people stop me in my yard and ask me ‘will you pray?’ Ruth revealed. “One guy was walking his dogs and asked would I pray for him and for his upcoming heart surgery. I said sure. I also put it out to my City Group. They all pray for the requests too.”

Most prayer requests are from people walking or driving by and seeing the mailbox. For instance, Ruth was outside in her flowers and a lady drove up in her car, rolled down her window and asked Ruth to pray for a young mom. There's been a few anonymous notes left in the box. One of the notes was a grandmother asking for prayer for her grandson to go to a Christian school and knew they didn’t have the funds.

“She had faith God could do anything,” Ruth admitted. “I prayed over that note. I don’t know how that turned out, but God does. The box is anonymous. It’s non-confrontational and non-threatening. If there is something on their heart, they can drop a note in. People now say to me... “Oh yeah, you are the person with the mailbox.” The neighborhood knows me.”

The mailbox was working. Not long after putting it up on her fence, Ruth had another idea which surprised her again. As she met the women in her neighborhood, the moms and grandmothers who asked for prayers, she wondered what if she invited them over to her house? With a few women from her City Group and from her neighborhood, the First Saturday Group was born and has been going strong ever since.

“I always send out a text or email a week before to the ladies with a Bible verse or theme,” Ruth described the group’s monthly rhythm. “We don’t have a formal study, sometimes we talk about people’s stories. Sometimes it’s just getting to know one another. The last time it was the word “Abide” and we discussed what it is. One lady came and had a t-shirt with Colossians 2:6-7 on it and we talked about that. I make dessert and coffee. Sometimes others would bring something. We meet for a couple of hours and when the ladies leave, they thank me. Immediately I think to myself “What did I do?” I used to be so guarded with my time because I didn’t have it. It gives me great joy. These ladies give me great joy. People are starving for contact with others, to have relationships and face to face communication and community. There are even neighbors who have moved away but still come. It’s just great. I am free to do things because God has made me free to be available to others. Now, it’s whatever and wherever, and it’s so simple. You don’t have to come up with something. It’s not hard what I am doing. It’s a joyous time.”

Ruth is humbled and is in awe of God. She thanks him every day for the opportunities to pray and to bring people together. She thanks him for the freedom he has given her to do this. The mailbox will remain in its place inviting people to share their burdens and into conversation if Ruth is out in her yard. Her prayer is that others will find the freedom and joy to do the same thing in their neighborhood.


  • Ruth’s gift of hospitality & genuine care for others is amazing. I’m glad she’s my friend 🧡
    I rarely miss “First Saturday”

  • So many joyous conversations and connections happen on Ruth’s Saturday gatherings. I love that there is also more younger women attending and sometimes we are even blessed to have a baby in the group. It’s truly God’s interweaving of lives, blessing one another.

  • I love this Ruth! God is so creative and caring -something he has given you too! Love that you listen and obey! His joy is obvious in your life! Keep spreading his love! 💕

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