When asked, what is the most important command in the Bible, Jesus responded by saying, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 Jesus has commanded us to love our neighbors, the question is, are we willing to do it!? We as a church family want to prayerfully and intentionally move towards our neighbors. We believe that Jesus will use this labor to not only impact others, but grow, shape and transform us.

Why Would we Love Thy Neighbor?

We live in a culture that is often anxious and isolated. We live in a city where neighbors often live next to one another but are not known by one another. Co-workers collaborate on projects but often remain guarded. Often, parents sit next to one another as their kids engage in activities but only polite gestures are exchanged. What if God wanted to use us to know, care for, encourage, pray with, and bless those around us? What if those that we live, work, and do life with could experience, in part, the love, grace, and hope of Jesus through us? What if the isolated found a friend, the weary received a word of hope, the outcast got invited in, and the guarded started to trust and open up about their worst? Citylight, we believe God has given us an opportunity to display His Kingdom to our neighbors!

Who is My neighbor?

The age-old question is, who is my neighbor? Your neighbor is anyone you live next to, work with, or regularly do life with. We believe God has assigned our lots in life and put us in proximity to others who may be near to us, but far from Him. What if instead of just inviting our neighbors to church, we decided to care for people where they are, listen to them, learn their names, and looked to display the love of Jesus to them? How could doing what Jesus called us to and loving our neighbor impact peoples' lives and potentially transform our city?

How Do we Love Thy Neighbor?

  • Sitting on front porch or driveway and say hi to people
  • Pick up trash in your neighborhood
  • Walk dog/go for walk and say hi to people
  • Bring neighbors trash can back in from the curb
  • Exchange cell phone numbers with neighbors and communicate with them
  • Find out what is already happening in your neighborhood and participate
  • Go to HOA or neighborhood association meeting
  • Go to the neighborhood park
  • Prayer walk
  • Get to know your neighbors' names (each house around you and at least 1 door down in every direction)
  • Park in your driveway instead of your garage
  • Set out bag toss/corn hole near the sidewalk
  • Do things outside instead of inside
  • Ask to borrow things and offer to lend things
  • Join Nextdoor App
  • Always wave and say Hi
  • Pay neighborhood kids to water your flowers
  • Get each others mail when out of town (with permission)
  • Ask advice
  • Have snacks available for when company comes over

How Do we Love Thy Neighbor?

  • Invite someone over for dinner
  • Front yard fire pit or grill out
  • Neighborhood party
  • Block Party
  • Porch Party (Have drinks and snacks later in the evening)
  • Baking bread or cookies and delivering them to someone/neighbors
  • Make a pop up library or pantry
  • Make or participate in a neighborhood garden
  • Clubhouse party in condos or apartment building
  • Organize a progressive dinner
  • Have an ice cream party
  • Host a Child Evangelism Fellowship backyard Bible club
  • Have a yard or garage sale
  • Kids lemonade stand
  • Set up a circle or street pickle ball game
  • House sit or pet watch
  • Go fishing at a neighborhood lake together
  • Carpool and give rides
  • Outdoor movie night
  • Neighborhood Book club
  • 4th of July fireworks or BBQ
  • Grieve with neighbors, bring meals, etc.
  • Game night

Tell us about how you are loving your neighbors!

We want to hear stories of how God is moving in your neighborhood, interactions with your neighbors, and encouragement as we intentionally strive to love our neighbors well. Fill out this form and we may share it with the church.
Tell Your Story

Listening Workshop

7.14 | 8:30 & 10:30 AM at Midtown | 8:30 AM at West
Come join Citylight's Care Ministry team for a one-day event that will help you become a better listener to those around you. Whether you want to grow in this area for the sake of your marriage, parenting, your career, or for connecting with your neighbors to build meaningful relationships in which the gospel can naturally emerge in conversation, this workshop is for you!
Midtown 8:30 AM SignupMidtown 10:30 AM SignupWest 8:30 AM Signup

The Art of Neighboring
by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon

The Gospel Comes with a House Key
by Rosaria Butterfield

Tell the Truth
by Will Metzger

When Helping Hurts
by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert

Becoming Whole
by Brian Fikkert and Kelly Kapic

Making Neighborhoods Whole
by Wayne Gordon and John Perkins

Practicing the Way
by John Mark Comer

Questions in a box
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