Curated for Wisdom
The purpose of this library is to cultivate wisdom in our church members and staff by curating and making visible excellent and accessible resources, for biblical, theological, and cultural knowledge and for spiritual growth. This is a highly selective and deliberately curated collection of books housed at our Midtown Location.
Virtual Catalog
Our library collection is always expanding. Check out our catalogue to search for new titles. If you have a current account, renew your books here. If not, see a library attendant!
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Library Policy
Because the purpose of this library is to cultivate wisdom in our church members and staff we wish to make clear the posture by which these titles are selected. This involves both our rationale for inclusion and special exclusions.
- Topical Range: We aim for a topical range of books in the following areas:
- Books and resources that strengthen our members’ and attenders’ theological convictions by including doctrinally orthodox books with some variation on disputed issues. (e.g., books on doctrine and systematic and biblical theology)
- Resource materials to increase biblical literacy (commentaries, reference books on history, grammar, geography, and special treatment of biblical topics)
- Gospel Centered resources that inspire putting faith into practice (spiritual disciplines, parenting, marriage, counseling, biographies, etc.)
- Books that help view cultural issues through a biblical lens
- Children’s material that inspires a desire to walk with the Lord
- Quality: We will prioritize high quality resources.
- Awarded books
- Trusted and penetrating authors (through proven spiritual character and/or academic accreditation)
- Classics (especially with reference Christian fiction and Christian living)
- Books that remain widely read through the passage of time
- Other fiction that has obvious spiritual value
- Alignment
- Primary Doctrinal Distinctives—Mere Orthodoxy or Mere Christianity: We wish to hold the center of Gospel & Doctrinal Orthodoxy, what the church has always confessed pertaining to salvation through grace by faith in Jesus Christ alone and what it has confessed everywhere and always.
- Secondary Doctrinal Emphases: Books that support our church’s distinct theological emphases, with some dissenting voices
- Complementarian
- Baptism by immersion
- Reformed Soteriology
- Continuationist
Because of the limited space available for books in our growing collection we will specifically exclude certain titles because of space and others because of the purposes of this collection.
- Overly academic or technical treatments, especially of secondary issues
- General “Christian inspiration” titles that we deem not to have lasting quality or insight.
- Full collections of authors included as representative samples. (We wish to pursue a balance of perspectives, while privileging certain important voices.)
- Books that are readily available at the public library
- Books that are not in alignment with our statement of faith on a primary issue of the faith
- Books that could be classified as “Romance.”
- Overtly political books, by politicians and political pundits especially.
We will make library materials available to all members and attenders on an equal basis. For this reason we set limits on the loan periods and on the numbers of books. These limits may vary by book depending on the type of resource and demand for it.
- Loans must be made in person
- Loans will be made by members and attenders 18 and over, or children 12 and over accompanied by an adult. Registration of Library Patrons will be processed by a Library Attendant.
- Renewals may be done in person or online. Most materials will be renewable up to three times.
- Certain materials will be held in Reserve for use only within the library. These will be clearly marked on the shelves and on the titles themselves.
Library patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their library card. Replacement costs and processing fees are the responsibility of any patron who loses or damages library materials. In the case of children under the age of 18, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian who signed the minor’s library card application to pay for lost or damaged items.
- The library will notify the patron of the replacement cost for a damaged or lost item based upon publication date.
- Full replacement cost of the item for materials published in the last 5 years
- Half the replacement cost for materials published more than 5 years ago
- When a damaged or lost item has been paid for, that item will be removed from the patron's record
- Any church visitor over the age of 12 may borrow library materials. Children under the age of 12 wishing to check out materials must be accompanied by an adult.
- Patrons wishing to borrow materials for the first time must create an account with the approval of a library team member. Members and attenders should register for this account with the library attendant. The required information includes first and last name, address, phone number, and email address.
- Books may be checked out for up to three (3) weeks with an additional three-week renewal period upon approval of a library team member.
- Patrons wishing to borrow materials only for use during a church service (e.g., materials for children to read) must create an account; if they already have an account, they must still follow borrowing procedures.
Citylight Omaha will contribute to the collection in an ongoing way. Members can also earmark donations to the library or give directly to the Library Fund by selecting "Library Build" on our Giving Page (until we should choose to close this fund). The library team may do grassroots fundraising if desired.
Gift-in-kind donations will be accepted to help fund the library but only books that are selected by the Curation Team will be added to the collection. Books that are not added to the library will be sold unless specifically requested by the donor to be returned. Please feel free to purchase books from our wish list for donation!
We also encourage you to recommend books on our Recommendation Form.