Who We Are
The vision of Citylight church is to see the gospel transform the city of Omaha and beyond through multiplying disciples and churches. It is our scriptural conviction that the church is God’s ordained means to reach the world with the gospel. Therefore, our strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission is planting churches that plant churches. In keeping with our mission and strategy these are the characteristics we look for in those who seek to join our staff family:
Christ-like Character
We believe you will reproduce what you are. We want our staff to possess a deep love for Jesus and have a lifestyle that is in obedience to Jesus' commands and Lordship.
We are not looking for people who simply want a job at Citylight. We’re looking for individuals who have a strong calling and desire to leverage their life for gospel proclamation and demonstration. We want a staff that is passionate about Jesus and the local church.
We desire employees who are gifted in their role and passionate about their skillset. We hope that all employees will communicate, teach, and lead well; being able to develop future leaders within the church and be the resident expert in their role.
Citylight Church is not an organization with a CEO at the top. We are a family of brothers and sisters who are called to love and serve the church in the same way Jesus did (Galatians 6:10). Those on staff at Citylight are team players who show genuine love and care for those we work with, elevating the interests of others above our own.
Leadership Development
Residency Program
Citylight Church Residencies are leadership development programs that exist to equip and empower the next generation of gospel-centered leaders to multiply disciples and churches. We believe that the Residency program is a pipeline for future pastors, church planters, church leaders, elders, and missionaries, in the local church.
Church Planters
While Jesus Christ is the head of the church, he has appointed men to serve as his under-shepherds and to lead local congregations. Therefore, the aim of our church planting vision is to raise up and release healthy gospel-centered men who will plant healthy gospel-centered churches that plant churches.
God is writing a story in and through our church! We are getting the joy of seeing new people trust Jesus, new groups getting launched and new churches be planted! If you want to be a part of the story God is writing and you have a passion to do vocational ministry, please consider the available positions! Due to the large number of applications that we receive, we are only able to contact candidates selected for interviews.
Paid Staff Positions
West Family Pastor
Full-time | West location
The Family Pastor partners with the Campus Pastor in casting and carrying out Citylight’s overall vision for the next generation at Citylight Omaha's West location. This position would oversee Citylight Students (CLS), Citylight Kids (CLK), and ensure care and continuity for families attending Citylight.
Leadership Development
Residency Program
Citylight Church Residencies are leadership development programs that exist to equip and empower the next generation of gospel-centered leaders to multiply disciples and churches. We believe that the Residency program is a pipeline for future pastors, church planters, church leaders, elders, and missionaries, in the local church.
City Groups Resident
City Group Residents will work directly with the City Group Director and City Group leaders to help support and minister to City Groups with a particular focus on Young Adults. This position will include intentional personal and ministerial development.
Citylight Students Resident
Share Jesus with middle school and high school students during this unique season of transition through discipleship, small groups, teaching, and service activities. You will gain a deeper understanding of student ministry and the importance of investing in students at a young age.
Future Opportunities
God is writing a story in and through our church! We are getting the joy of seeing new people trust Jesus, new groups getting launched and new churches be planted! If you want to be a part of the story God is writing and you have a passion to do vocational ministry, but don't see an open position above, we'd still love to hear from you.
Salt Company Resident
Full-time | Midtown location
Share Jesus with college students in their unique season of life. This will primarily be done through sharing the gospel and doing life with college students at Salt Co Gatherings, City Groups, and spending time on college campuses.
Citylight Kids Coordinator
Part-time | West location
The mission of the Citylight Kids is to help families have the opportunity to meet Jesus, imitate Jesus, and share Jesus through growth in the gospel, relationships, and service. This position is responsible for serving as the face of the CLK ministry on Sunday mornings, scheduling and onboarding of new team members, and the equipping of current team members.
City Groups Director
Full-time | West location
Making disciples to make disciples is the mission of City Groups. This position is responsible for casting overall vision and providing leadership to existing City Groups while focusing on continually identifying new leaders to launch new groups.
Serving Teams and Events Resident
Full-time | Midtown location
Responsible for working alongside the Serving Teams Director in recruiting, developing, and equipping serving teams for Sunday gatherings, as well as executing events throughout the year to celebrate what the Lord has done in the life and body of Citylight Church.
Citylight Kids Resident
The mission of the CL Kids is to help families have the opportunity to meet Jesus, imitate Jesus, and share Jesus through growth in the gospel, relationships, and service. This position exists to develop character, ministry competencies, and ministry experience in relationship to ministry to kids, families, and CLK serving team members.
Care Ministry Resident
Full-time | West location
This position will invest in Citylight Church’s community through various aspects of care, participating in and investing in the calling of “bearing one another’s burdens” (Gal 6:2).
Citylight Global Resident
Full-time | Midtown location
The Global Resident will work alongside Global Missions director to develop our key rhythms of: Discovery, Welcome, Send, and Go. They also will walk through a 2 year pathway growing in character, awareness of the mission of God, and cross-cultural ministry skills.
Production Engineer
Full-time | West location
This position will be responsible for all elements of production in the areas of audio, video, lighting, media, and video broadcasting used to produce church gatherings and other events hosted at Citylight Church at our West location.
Community Development Resident
The Community Development Resident will work with the Club and Mentoring Director to lead Wednesday night Club, assist in Student Mentoring program management and mentor support, and carry out plans for outreach in the community depending on the current needs/realities/possibilities.
Worship Resident
The purpose and mission of the worship ministry at Citylight Church is to shepherd, exhort, and encourage the body of believers through leading worship that is musically excellent and gospel-centered. This position exists to develop character, ministry competencies, leadership competencies both on and off the stage, and musical excellence.
Church Planting Resident
While Jesus Christ is the head of the church, he has appointed men to serve as his under-shepherds and to lead local congregations. Therefore, the aim of our church planting residency is to raise up and release healthy gospel-centered men who will plant healthy gospel-centered churches that plant churches.
CLS West Coordinator
Part-Time (12-16 hours/week), Non-exempt
The mission of the Citylight Students is to know Jesus, grow in a personal relationship with Him, and go on mission for the kingdom of God. This position is responsible for coordinating different aspects of the CLS ministry including volunteers, meals, prep for programming, and other tasks.
Director of Operations
Work with Lead Pastors, Campus Pastors, and a team of department leaders to implement plans and processes to both ensure and empower all the church operations are functioning well and within the mission, vision, and values of Citylight Church. This position will give leadership to two main areas in the church: Stewardship and Systems and Structures.
Citylight Students Director
Full-time | Midtown location
The Citylight Students Director has a heart and passion to disciple youth, grades six through twelve. This position is responsible for reaching out to students in the community to help them find and grow their faith in Jesus and provide focused missional communities to allow them the space to wrestle with their faith, ask questions, confess sin, grow in their love for Jesus, and experience spiritual growth. This position is responsible for creating long-term, stable relationships with youth in the community. The Youth Ministry Leader is the vision keeper and pace setter for a group of young people.
City Groups Director
West location
This position is responsible for casting overall vision and providing leadership to existing City Groups while focusing on continually launching new groups.
Administrative Assistant
Part-time | Mon - Thu, 10 AM - 5 PM
Create a warm, friendly, inviting environment for visitors, guests and staff. Perform general duties and assist with special projects.
Work with our bookkeeping software, Financial Contractor, and staff team to ensure financial accuracy within Citylight.
Receptionist / Administrative Assistant
Full-time | Midtown location
Create a warm, friendly, inviting environment for visitors, guests and staff. Perform general duties and assist with special projects.
Citylight Students Intern
Full-time | West location
Share Jesus with middle school and high school students during this unique season of transition through discipleship, small groups, teaching, and service activities. You will gain a deeper understanding of student ministry and the importance of investing in students at a young age.
Community Development Summer Assistant
The Summer Community Development Assistant will work with the Club and Mentoring Director to lead Wednesday night Summer Club and carry out plans for outreach in the community depending on the current needs/realities/possibilities.
Tech Director
The Tech Director is responsible for all elements of production in the areas of audio, video, lighting, media, and video broadcasting with the goal of producing excellent, distraction-free experiences at weekend services and other church events.
City Group Director
Full-time | Midtown location
Making disciples to make disciples is the mission of City Groups. This position is responsible for casting overall vision and providing leadership to existing City Groups while focusing on continually identifying new leaders to launch new groups.
Student Ministry Director
Full-time | West location
The Director of Student Ministry has a heart and passion to disciple youth, grades six through twelve. This position is responsible for reaching out to students in the community to help them find and grow their faith in Jesus and provide focused missional communities to allow them the space to wrestle with their faith, ask questions, confess sin, grow in their love for Jesus, and experience spiritual growth. This position is responsible for creating long-term, stable relationships with youth in the community. The Director of Student Ministry is the vision keeper and pace setter for the student ministry.
Care Director
Full-time | West location
A Director of Care has a strong calling, desire, and passion to help shepherd and care for this local church family through personal one-on-one care, group care, and the equipping of the body to care for one another. This position will work closely with the Midtown Director of Care to help implement the mission, vision, and values of the care ministry and will equip and empower those within the church family by joining in the care ministry.
Worship Intern
Full-time | West location
The purpose and mission of the worship ministry at Citylight Church is to shepherd, exhort, and encourage the body of believers through leading worship that is musically excellent and gospel-centered. This position exists to develop character, ministry competencies, leadership competencies both on and off the stage, and musical excellence.
Serving Teams Director
Part-time | West location
The Serving Teams Director directly supports the mission of the gathered church by managing logistics of the Sunday morning worship gathering, leading serving team leaders and members, creating a healthy volunteer culture, and helping guests, members, and families connect to community by serving.
CLS Associate Director
Full-time | West location
The Citylight West Associate Students Director has a heart and passion to disciple youth, grades six through twelve. This person will work alongside the Students Director in reaching out to students in the community to help them know Jesus, grow in their relationship with him, and go on mission in their neighborhoods, schools, and communities.
Director of Christian Education / Men's Ministry
The Director of Adult Discipleship and Men’s Ministry supports Citylight Church by championing men’s discipleship, writing curriculum, teaching classes, developing and training teachers, and other day-to-day activities related to Men’s Ministry and Citylight Adult Christian Education Classes.
Salt Company
Male Co-Director
Full-time | Midtown location
Along with the female co-director, this position will provide oversight for the college ministry. The male co-director will create a discipleship culture for the men who participate in the ministry.
Citylight Kids Associate Director
The CLK Associate Director will oversee the spiritual needs (discipleship and evangelism) of children ages birth through 5th grade. This position oversees both the Sunday morning gatherings and equips families for weekly scatterings at both the Midtown and West locations.
Citylight Students Intern
Full-time | Midtown location
Share Jesus with Middle School and High School students in their unique season of life. This will primarily be done through sharing the gospel and doing life with students during weekly gatherings, City Groups, and spending time outside of church at their activities.
Global Missions Coordinator
The Global Missions Coordinator assists with Citylight’s global missions’ engagement by administrating global missions’ activities, promoting and preparing individuals for short-term mission trips, and maintaining consistent relationships with our missions’ partners.
Salt Company
Female Co-Director
Along with the male co-director, this position will provide oversight for the college ministry. The female co-director will create a discipleship culture for the women who participate in the ministry.
Director of Christian Education
The Director of Christian Education supports Citylight Church by writing curriculum, teaching classes, developing and training teachers, and other day-to-day activities related to Citylight Adult Christian Education Classes.
There are currently no open positions at Citylight. Please check back later for openings or inquire with our HR Director, Laura Warnock laura@citylightomaha.org.
Citylight Students Girls Discipleship Intern
Full-time | West location
This position helps middle school and high school girls meet, imitate and share Jesus by discipling, investing, and walking with them during this season of their lives.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Citylight Kids Intern
Full-time | Midtown location
This position exists to develop character, ministry competencies, and ministry experience in relationship to ministry to kids, families, and CLK serving team members.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Citylight Kids Director
Full-time | West location
Oversees the spiritual needs of evangelism and discipleship of children ages birth through 5th grade. This position oversees both the Sunday morning gatherings and equips families for weekly scattering.
Youth Ministry Leader
The Youth Ministry Leader has a heart and passion to disciple youth, grades six through twelve. This position is responsible for reaching out to students in the community to help them find and grow their faith in Jesus and provide focused missional communities to allow them the space to wrestle with their faith, ask questions, confess sin, grow in their love for Jesus, and experience spiritual growth.
Middle School Intern / Resident
Full-time | Midtown location
The middle school intern/resident will work with students during this unique season of transition in their lives by communicating the message of the Gospel through discipleship, teaching, and in small group settings.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Citylight Kids Intern
Full-time | West location
The mission of the CL Kids is to help families have the opportunity to meet Jesus, imitate Jesus, and share Jesus through growth in the gospel, relationships, and service. This position exists to develop character, ministry competencies, and ministry experience in relationship to ministry to kids, families, and CLK serving team members.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Salt Company Worship Leader
Part-time | Midtown location
This part-time position serves as the primary corporate worship leader for Salt Company Omaha (Citylight college ministry) gatherings.
Production Engineer
Part-time | Central services
This part-time (20 hours per week) position will be responsible for all elements of production in the areas of audio, video, lighting, media, and video broadcasting used to produce church gatherings and other events.
Human Resources Director
This position is responsible for evaluating and administering employee services and policies for Citylight Church. This includes but is not limited to the hiring process, employee benefits, payroll, budgets, and training.
Worship Intern
Midtown location
Citylight is committed to raising up the next generation of worship leaders! This opportunity is a blend of leadership development and hands on experience leading Citylight’s college ministry, CitylightU. This candidate must be one who is called to gospel-centered worship ministry and is able to work in a fast-paced environment.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Youth Pastor / Director
Midtown location
This position will provide space for students to wrestle with their faith, ask questions, confess sin and grow in their love for Jesus. They will also be responsible for reaching out to Middle School and High School students in the community who don’t yet know Jesus and provide focused missional communities.
Director of Care
Midtown location
A Director of Care has a strong calling, desire, and passion to help shepherd and care for this local church family through personal one-on-one care, group care, and the equipping of the body to care for one another.
City Groups Intern
This position will work directly with the City Group Director and City Groups to help support and minister to City Groups. This position will include intentional personal and ministerial development.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Serving Teams Director
West location
This position directly supports the mission of the gathered church, managing logistics of the Sunday morning worship gathering, leading serving team leaders and members, creating a healthy volunteer culture, and helping guests, members, and families get connected into community by serving.
Campus Pastor
West location
The Campus Pastor partners with the lead pastors in casting and carrying out Citylight’s overall vision, provides leadership for campus ministries, and shepherds the campus staff and congregation.
Worship Intern
Citylight Mosaic Church
Citylight Mosaic Church is offering an intern position within the worship ministry to provide leadership in corporate worship, develop a team of worship volunteers, and to grow as a disciple of Jesus.
Who We Are
Position Description
Intern Responsibilities
Intern & Residency Program
Executive Pastor
Work with Lead Pastors, Campus Pastors, and a team of department leaders to implement plans and processes to ensure all church operations are functioning well and within the mission, vision, and values of Citylight Church.
Digital Media Specialist
The Digital Media Specialist is responsible for producing design solutions to meet the visual, branding, and communication needs of Citylight Church. This role will be a digital artist capable of developing graphic layouts, branding, and multimedia elements.
Receptionist / Administrative Assistant
Midtown location
Create a warm, friendly, inviting environment for visitors, guests and staff. Perform general duties and assist with special projects.
Student Ministries
Girls Discipleship Intern
West location
Disciple and invest in Citylight's Middle School and High School girls to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus. Actively recruit Middle School and High School girls in the community who don't know Jesus and provide them with the space to build relationships, ask questions, and learn about God's saving grace through Jesus.
Who We Are
Intern Job Description
Girls Discipleship Intern Job Responsibilities
Worship Intern/Resident
Citylight is committed to raising up the next generation of worship leaders! This opportunity is a blend of leadership development and hands on experience leading Citylight’s college ministry, CitylightU. This candidate must be one who is called to gospel-centered worship ministry and is able to work in a fast-paced environment.