If you have a son or daughter, or a child in your life whom you love, the conviction and desire to teach and point them to God's truth is so real to a Christian believer. It can feel as a heavy weight on your heart and chest. Deuteronomy 11:19-21 says:

"You shall teach them (God's commandments) to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens are above the earth."

For parents Michael and Tia, they believe in this commandment and have a similar conviction for their children Sophia and Easton. For them, there are not very many things in life more important than both of their children submitting their lives to Jesus and walking in God's truth. Yet, they both have realized that having the conviction and desire is one part of parenting. There's also the other part of parenting when the circumstances of life feel overwhelming. What does parenting and raising your children look like when life is hard, messy and tiring?

"In 2019 I was incarcerated," Michael shared. "I left Tia to have to raise Sophia and Easton (then 3 and 2 yrs. old) essentially as a single mother. During the next couple of years, the struggle was real for her. When both children started at a public school and after that school year was finished, Tia felt like she was somehow failing in her duties to the children so we prayed. She was presented with the opportunity to enroll them in a Christian private charter school and it was the answer to both of our prayers. Although it was a sacrifice and extra strain on an already tight budget, she talked it over with me, and we both agreed it was well worth it."

Over the next few years, Tia and Michael saw exponential growth in their children's learning, social development and faith. The school was an unexpected gift from the Lord to Tia and Michael and became a valuable partner. Another unexpected gift was a corrections ministry that partners with Citylight. Through this ministry, Michael was able attend church. But it was more than that for Michael. It became a church family and a community that pointed Michael to Jesus. For Tia, single parenting came with struggles. Tia often wondered if she was doing a good job with raising the kids. Michael felt helpless. Yet, God was at work. His plan never stopped and was still being perfectly carried out.

"This past April, Easton made a decision for Christ by announcing to us that he wanted to be saved and go to Heaven," Michael confessed. "He asked if he could say the prayer. My son gave his life to the Lord at 6 yrs old, and I was so happy and proud of him. Last month, Sophia made her decision for Christ during a VBS."

What great news and blessings! And it didn't stop there. During all of this, Michael's parole was being planned. Finally, the day came.

"I was released from prison on Monday, July 29th," Michael said with joy. "The first couple of days was spending with Tia and our children. While we were hanging out I immediately noticed the changes. The kids picked praise and worship songs at home and knew every word. They lifted their hands while praising our Father in Heaven. I was in utter awe of my children."

This past Sunday, August 4th, the Lord continued to show Michael and Tia His work and faithfulness. Michael described that morning:

"During the service, Sophia asked could she please get baptized, and Easton said "yeah Dad, can we?" Tia looked at me and I said we will go and see. (We walked up there and after the last baptism, Pastor Sam baptized them.) Clearly, the Spirit was moving. Tia and I watched through tears of joy. On the ride home Tia was still sobbing and confided to me that she often wondered if she was doing a good job with raising the kids and that was the confirmation from Our Father Himself! Both of our kids making the decision to be saved and baptized without an ounce of urging from either one of us. It was the perfect ending to my first week of freedom from incarceration. My children being baptized! Tia has done a wonderful job during my absence, and for that, I am also grateful. Citylight is truly the church the way Jesus envisioned the church to be and I am so thankful for the staff, the members and the Anointing at Citylight."

What does bringing up children in God's truth look like when life is hard, messy and tiring? For Michael and Tia, it has been choosing every day for the Lord and trusting in His faithfulness. Even in the midst of doubt, heartache, or hopelessness, His work is perfect and complete through His Son Jesus and never ceases.

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