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Sometimes the Bible is hard to understand. Asking questions helps us learn and engage with Scripture. Submit your question and hear responses to the challenging parts of Scripture.
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Bible Reading Plan Videos
We'll be introducing some resources that will help us on our 2 year journey through the Bible. Here's the first one!
If you're only going to invest in one resource this year to help you read and understand the Bible, make it an ESV Study Bible!
If you want to read and invest deeply in one book of the Bible, a good commentary is a must!
Check out this video with Sarah Buettenback to learn more about the structure we're following for the next couple years.
Sam Reece gives encouragement and the Biblical basis for Citylight's mission. Matthew 28 "...go and make disciples"!
In our Two Year Bible Reading Plan we recently read about the transfiguration of Jesus from Mark 9. Learn why this is a big deal.
Having some context for Exodus 19-24 will go a long way for our understanding. Learn about covenants and how it helps us understand the New Testament.
It’s easy to get lost in the details, but Leviticus is all about God’s holiness, people’s sin, and how to restore fellowship with God. It’s designed to point us forward to Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on the cross as the only thing that can truly restore our relationship with God once and for all.
The Psalms are a collection of songs and poems. They balance the reality of the broken world we live in and the truth of God’s perfect, loving, and dependable character. Praying the Psalms is a way for us to bring our whole selves to God and letting Him minister to us right where we are.
Numbers 21 is a direct reflection of the Gospel from the Old Testament. Jesus even refers to this in John 3:14, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up".
As Moses is writing to His People in Deuteronomy, he wants to make sure they remember who they serve. That they remember the One True God.
When we read the last parts of Deuteronomy, We see God's Word has significant weight & impact, not only to the People of Israel in that history timeline, but in our World today.
As this story moves forward in the book of Joshua, we see the grace of God, even in the Old Testament
The Book of Acts shows us that we all can have Salvation too.