"I grew up in the church. My family went to church every week and I knew the Bible but didn't know it in my heart. I went to church and was involved in youth group and every single event offered because it made me feel like I was achieving something. However, when I saw death come to family and to friends, I became very angry with God, not understanding why bad things were allowed to happen.

I went to college and was surrounded by roommates who sat down and read their Bible every day, and went to church because they wanted to go to church, and pursuing God with their own will. It was very eye opening to me. In college, I began to choose to go to church and it was something I was pursuing because I wanted to. Gradually, I grew in awareness. My Bible facts and knowledge grew into heart knowledge. God gave me a deeper knowledge of what his grace and mercy means in reality and not just as a figure of speech.

My life is completely different now after putting my faith in God. I used to struggle with fear and doubt and anger. Now, when hard things happen, I don't doubt there is a God or what he is doing. I simply say "I trust in the Lord and he will provide." I have a deeper peace about life and what is going on. A peace where I don't worry on a deep level. Mental health will always have to be prioritized for me but I no longer have questions on who God is. I know in my heart and my mind who he is and what he gives every day.

The Lord has been a provider for me. I trust Him. My husband and I are involved here at Citylight. We talk about the Lord on a daily basis and it's incorporated into our every day life. We talk about the sermon and what God is doing in our life. God is the center of our family. I am excited for the future because I get to walk with God. I don't have to fear when hard things happen. No matter what happens for me or my husband that we will be more than okay.

I am getting baptized as a reflection of the saving work God has done in my life and in my heart. He pursued as I transitioned from the head knowledge to a heart knowledge and now pursuing him. I am excited to get baptized at this summer's baptism celebration. To see everyone else and the celebration of God's work in so many people.

You should get baptized as an act of obedience to what the Lord is doing in your life. It's a command in the Bible as an outward sign of your faith in the Lord. Even Jesus was baptized! It's never too late to get baptized because God's timing is perfect. It's an act of obedience no matter when." -Wesley Cory

Join Wesley and our entire church family at Turner Park this Sunday, August 4, in Midtown Crossing. We’ll celebrate stories of how real people have met and experienced Jesus. For more information go to citylightomaha.org/summerbaptism.

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